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Everything posted by lnevo

  1. Supermodels definitely add to the maintenance..
  2. If you do this you will spend the rest of your days answering the question from other people... Where's Nemo?
  3. Big difference between the maxijet and the others. The maxijet is good for mixing salt. The others are good for flow Don't ditch the skimmer, set it a little drier and dont touch it for a while.
  4. Yes and no. It'll find it's way in your tank regardless.
  5. They also said it cost $5-$10 to produce more coral...lol
  6. I have uniseals for the site level in my 32 and 20 brutes. I had bulkheads installed before i knew about them...
  7. Sand sifting star and nassarius snails. A diamond goby would help too, but I would do that with caution...basically a challenge to keep corals on the sand bed.
  8. You don't need to install a bulkhead. You can use uniseals which I would recommend anyway for curved surfaces.
  9. As long as it's not hair algae or bryopsis which it does NOT look like at all, yes ride it out. Definitely switch to RO water. And stop looking at the tank with the whites only You'll only drive yourself crazy. It's natural for the new rock to color up. As everyone has said, eventually it will be replaced by coraline.
  10. Why do you think they were so concerned about non-ideal environmentals...
  11. 50ml of each every hour, 5 minute offset. 70gallons TWV
  12. I follow your logic but its not much different then a mesh bag in a high flow area. But yeah potentially could be turbulent. Also depends how your socks are plumbed and how you put it in the sock.
  13. Filter socks are passive filtration if you put carbon in there. I think he was saying passive filtration for carbon wasnt ideal. A fluidized reactor would be the corollary.
  14. +1 It's safe to change +100ppm that's 20oz of BRS solution. If you're seeing that high of a mag consumption you're probably already using a calcium reactor. If you're dosing two part, it's basically when you refill your jugs.... FWIW, this is the method I use.
  15. http://reefdvms.com/aquarium-rodi-or-ato-leak-protection/
  16. You can find them with solenoids too so that it can shutoff the ro/di if a leak is detected. https://www.google.com/search?biw=320&bih=504&tbm=shop&ei=B_0eVKbzA9ahyATblYL4CQ&q=water+filter+alarm&oq=water+filter+alarm&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.3...23987.31123.0.31733. I think brs sells one too.
  17. If this is a new tank then don't even look at those numbers...just test and record. After cycling your tank will have lots of ups and downs...definitely don't go chasing any numbers just yet until you have some long term trends to measure them with.
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