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Everything posted by YHSublime

  1. This is the cloves And this is the pally rock... Both put in my dt as soon as I found the tank heated, the temp swing alone could have made a difference, the water in my dt at 79 was refreshing on the hands.
  2. Thanks, Tom. I might take you up on that in the future. I lost my 3 headed green frogspawn, a small colony I had been growing out of frogspawn, my pink tipped frogspawn, about 50 polyps of candy apples, and about 30 polyps of what I think were fire and ice. about 25 polyps of my hulk green pallys, and a rock that was covered with different colored liams cloves. And a 4 inch purple tipped clam, which I had to take out to the trash it stunk pretty bad. Do you think it's a bad idea putting any of the stuff that looks like maybe it will survive in my display tank? Or should I cut my losses and toss it? It was a stealth pro. Thanks for the offer. I still have a fair amount of corals, it's just a bummer that I literally put my frag racks into it last night with all the other stuff I couldn't find a perfect spot for. Not setup yet, and on my DT, not the bio. Can see how it would come in handy now though.
  3. Found my 29 gallon biocube with all my overstocked frags and a clam I had just gotten, at about 95 degrees. Heater malfunctioned and pretty much boiled my tank. Still have my 57, but I had just moved a bunch of things last night till i could find proper placement. just lost some big colonies of zoas, all my frogspawn, and my green hulk paly rock that I started with. Also lost a bush of liams cloves. Took the zoas and put them in my 57, but can't tell if they will make it or not, or if that is a terrible idea? Really bummed, I just lost some of my favorite SPS, and a nice clam :/
  4. Not the prettiest things, but what about a big ol' box fan, they only run about $10, maybe you could put it behind your stand over your sump? Just guessing here...
  5. Since I got my RO/DI unit, I have officially hit my 350 gallons mixed saltwater. I would venture to say with my top off water, I've probably made about 500 gallons with it. And that's just with a 57 I don't know what I've documented, and what I haven't lately. I have two new Aussie Elegance's, one is FS if anybody is interested, haven't gotten around to posting it up yet. They have replaced my nems on the right hand side and opened it up a bit for me. Doing a mix and match with my Biocube 29, which is FS btw, but all my softies are doing great in there. Will be moving by October, and don't want to have too much concern with moving TWO tanks, yikes! I have even contemplated putting the 57 contents in the 29, but the red monti cap alone would dominate! Working on my Apex, skimmer is preforming like a champion, as expected. Rambling at this point, just wanted to brag (or complain, contemplate, realize the amount of cash sunk into my ocean box?)
  6. Hey, I wanted to show you in my post #75 (I think) with the biocube I used to have. In the bottom left of that biocube is the golden torch you saw in my tank the other day. Just a little idea of how far it's come, and how fast things will end up growing in your tank as well!
  7. Thanks. I've actually done all that already. I'm already ecstatic that I can check my tank temperature from my phone!
  8. Super helpful, thanks Alan. I only use the web interface as well, the JR. does have it, and my Frankenstein combo never came with a display. At first I was heartbroken, but since I've networked it, I prefer the web browser, it's a similar concept to doing something on your phone vs. your laptop. It seems like there are a LOT of things I'll be able to do, just need to start getting comfortable with it.
  9. I'm really interested in learning, but it seems like when you do it's a lot of time invested from the get go. Should have started this Friday night.
  10. Ok, so name everything that's plugged into the powerbars, and go through and turn everything to "on," or else the default program will run them off/on. I honestly don't even know how to do that, but I can take a bit of time tonight to figure it out. Just don't want to head to work tomorrow morning and find my heaters/pump/skimmer, all that jazz, have been shutting on and off all day long!
  11. So I'm getting ready to setup my apex I don't have a fish room, and it's not an option, so unfortunately I'm mounting everything to the wall besides my tank. it's not the cleanest look, but I can hard wire it to my router, and I don't have to (unless the tank breaks) worry about water spilling on it. I have an Apex Jr. with the powerbar 8 that I'm going to daisy chain with a USB. I have a VDM (which I don't think I'll be using as I have the it2080 evergrow lights, which are programmable themselves.) I also have the PM1, with plans to get the PH and ORP probes down the line. Way down the line probably. So my question is, I have everything setup waiting to be plugged in, if I don't program anything, it will presumably act as a very, very, expensive power strip... correct? If the answer to this is, "yes," or perhaps, "yes, you fool, but why aren't you spending all night trying to work it out and learning all sorts of code you have no idea about?!" My answer to that is, I really just want to clear up all the clutter of my power strips and cleanly mount all my equipment plugs, and THEN, I'll go into a cave and ask lots of silly questions on WAMAS, and probably join the Apex forum. Thanks in advance!
  12. yeah, most skimmers I've seen are about 7"-8" of water. Looks like you've got it figured out? Just in case: This might help
  13. I skim as dry as possible, and do once a week like you with water changes. Unless it stinks earlier. I clean in my sink with tap water, and let it dry.
  14. I'm right behind you on this one, apex on the closet, just working on my confidence.
  15. Chances are if it was able to hitchike in your live rock, it will probably do alright in your tank. It seems like it's tough little thing already, I wouldn't worry that much about it. Hate to say it, but the zoas are not looking as hot as they were before...
  16. I'll echo what's been said. I was under the impression for a long time that protein skimmers were created equal, they all do the same job, right? My old one was not bad, but after I picked up an Avast CS1, it's a lot easier to dial in, and that thing pulls poo like a champ!
  17. I thought an animal not growing to its full capacity because of its environment was an old wives tale? Sorry to get off topic, but I'm curious!
  18. Rob, I would venture to say because of the exact same thing Matt said. Every single fish store sells them like they are the only options available. DJ, take a water sample to any of our vendors and I'm sure they'll test it for you.
  19. I have had 5 for almost 6 months now. I started with 6. First one just went missing within in the first month. The other 5 have a very distinct pecking order. You could literally put them in a line from smallest to biggest no problem. They all chill out in my huge monti cap. They also stick together, or shoal if you will. Granted, I got them from Quantum Reefs, and they said they started with 20! No real signs of aggression towards each other or other fish in my 57 gallons.
  20. Must be really frustrated. But at least you learned, and so did the rest of us. Thanks for posting, be it to vent frustrations, or to spread wisdom, it's a good reminder to us, just unfortunate it happened to you!
  21. I can't wrap my head around most of what's being talked here... but I do have a question for the brains. Can my Apex control at IT2080?
  22. I love how everybody's talking like I'm going to stay with the 57 forever, ya'll oughta' know by now, my name is Isaac, and I have an addiction. Like I said. It's not crazy outta' control... YET. Jenn is right, nothing fast is going to happen over night. Besides, who's tried to program an Apex when they don't know the first thing about them? I'll answer that, this guy, I'm going to be learning this thing forever, it'll keep me busy instead of fiddling. Question: I already have 5 tangs all about 4", don't you think one more would be a little much? I guess I could always put them in my 29 while I wait for my new foxface to clear all the bubble algae!
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