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Everything posted by YHSublime

  1. A question for the spoilers. How often do you feed your seaweed? My orange spot goes through a piece a day, I figured if there is anybody that is taking care of feeding right, it's y'all
  2. Sick of these threads yet? So I have had bubble algae popping up in my tank for quite some time now. I tested my water last night, and my nitrates are at about 10, and my phosphates were at .25, everything else was perfect. The rock I originally used had a huge bubble algae, and hair algae problem, and I scrubbed it for hours, although I'm sure there was still some left. This may have been a big mistake. Although I'm not terribly concerned about it at the moment, I can see it becoming a problem, so I'd like to take some precautions and preemptive strike. First thing I did was cut back my feeding. Pellets once a day, frozen twice a week, all leftover removed. I was feeding frozen and pellets every day, and not taking anything out. I have not noticed a difference, except maybe hungrier fish. (two weeks.) Started growing cheeto. (Month +) Got an Avast skimmer. This has only been running for 48 hours, and is showing positive results. I'm still dialing it in, so I'm skimming pretty wet, I think once I get it, right where I need it to be, it will make a huge change. (2 Days) Doubled my water change from 5 gallons to 10 gallons weekly, after doing a 25% about two weeks ago. (1 month) And of course, just picked it off as I go along. (1 week, on and off) I have contemplated emerald crabs. (none yet) Is there anything else I could be doing? Is there anything else I SHOULD be doing? Is it possible I have not just given it enough time? I don't want to beat a dead horse here, but I can't help but wonder if it's something I am doing, or if it just existed on my original rock and is able to come back. I had some caluerpa that I thought was completely eradicated after leaving it in a forum members tank for a day and letting the tangs loose on it, and I just noticed yesterday a small piece coming back. The caluerpa originally existed on the rock as well.
  3. Very cool! Get this guy away from the computer, you're going to stretch yourself thin inbetween TOTM and VOTM :P
  4. I have a toadstool that a nem is approaching, there are small black spots right about where it would probably touch, a move is probably suggested then? Glad you found the stank!
  5. It looks like we have a winner! I have asked Mods to post it up. Thanks again to everybody who participated, from entries, to voting! I will soon have our topic up for Augusts POTM! Thanks to everybody as well for helping me figure out a system and rushing this one through!
  6. That's pretty wicked! I picked up a regular one from quantum reefs. Not quite as cool.
  7. Pod condos. I'm making sure my mandarin gets fed. Have lots of pods in my cheeto and macro underneath, but will switch these around between my tanks, sumps, and displays. They are stuffed with rubble rock, and zip tied together. The idea was from a link monkiboy shared on the forum. The scissors are for size reference, ones pretty big, but it took a bit of time, and I didn't want to make 4 or 5 small ones.
  8. All skimmers are not created equal. Have the skimmate locker, and need to get a breakout box so I can connect it to the apex, but that requires 1. More room in my sump 2. Knowledge of my apex. Super happy with the avast recirc mod, and the performance is already speaking for itself once the psk1000 and mj1200 fired up!
  9. I have been working on my sump for the majority of the morning, and I keep thinking about this stand you built, and how I wish I didn't have this cheap little fiberboard one, that although looks really nice, has NO room underneath for anything. I'm going to either find something that works a heck of a lot better, or inspired to build like you did here. Just wanted to say "bravo" again, you should be super proud of it, because it looks awesome!
  10. I'm not 100% positive on this, but I would run it in a vinegar bath for about 24 hours. Will that skimmer fit in a 5 gallon bucket... if so... perfect. Do a vinegar/ro solution, not sure what the "perfect" combo is here, but I would do about a cup of vinegar to each gallon. If you don't have a lot of it on hand, try costco or sams club, and then stock up. I use it for cleaning most of my pumps and powerheads, and it's cheap as chips compared to everything else in the hobby!
  11. YHSublime YH- Yorktown High Sublime- Of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe: "ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous". Also a big fan of the band, but more so was going for ^ It's been my handle for just about everything since 2000 (hence my high school,) and it's my go to for everything non work related.
  12. Great job! Looks like it was done flawlessly! Didn't expect anything less!
  13. Check out Brad's build, he's doing it with what looks like spectacular results.
  14. Does it dry clear? I will be the first one to spray my outside glass of my dt. Goodbye salt stains!
  15. Picked up my Apex tonight. Decided to go with Avast for a skimmer with the PSK1000. Don't expect to see me anytime soon
  16. I just feel like there are skimmers that are pulling more than mine. There is nothing wrong with it, but I have tried adjusting it constantly, and have not been able to get it to skim as dry as I want. I also am leaning towards the avasts with the recirc, like mentioned earlier in this post, so I don't have to constantly adjust. Like many other things in this hobby, it's just something that I would change if I was starting over again.
  17. Apologies! What happened to team sachabballi?!
  18. And yet we never got any entries from team Huly.
  19. Your tank is so weird it looks like your fish want to eat your cat instead of the other way around. Have you considered a pirate patch for Huly?
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