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Everything posted by YHSublime

  1. I hope I didn't come off as negative, I still consider myself a newbie, because I am... And I'm still learning daily. Hope you're still here.
  2. Sorry about the blues, repetitiveness, and the quantity in advance.
  3. A sponge in the sump is the easiest thing to do and I can never remember. Somebody asked me for a sponge to help cycle their biocube, and I realized I didn't have one! I threw one in right away, and was able to use that on the 150. It will stay in my overflow until I need it again for a QT, or somebody else does!
  4. Does it grow fast? I found an urchin in my tank (must have hitch hiked in) but it only comes out at night, and doesn't stray from this one particular rock. He's got good taste.
  5. I was wondering how Tony Vargas book was considered "selling out" all morning. But you mean the actual COPIES are selling out, not the content. Oh English, you're such a funny language.
  6. Thanks man, we are working on it, will know by tonight for sure. It's been a stressful, but very exciting. I don't want to get excited before we know for sure.
  7. Have a very special day, for a very special little man. This is how I feel:
  8. Have a very special day... for a very special little man.
  9. For September's POTM the theme is: Feeding Time! I dropped the ball on August and Septembers photo of the month, and I apologize to all of those who entered. In order to keep it fair, I will continue on with the same theme. All submissions must be made by September 23rd, and then will start a thread for voting that will close out by the 30th. If you made a submission for August, it will be entered in the Septembers photos for voting, no need to resubmit. Photo size: At least 800 x 600 ONE submission per person. To be included in the voting, your submission must also have the following information: Submitters: Name, BBName Location: where it's taken (who's tank, ocean, etc) Camera Used: (if not available please say unknown) Subject: (what title/picture name/picture of) And... GO!
  10. Yikes. Completely dropped the ball on this one! Sorry all, in between the new tank, a trip to the Bahamas (boo hoo, first world problems), and potentially closing on a place (more on that to come) I failed. What a short run it was as well. I'm picking it back up again. So Jenn, Jason, get ready to thrown in some pictures!
  11. I don't know anything about it. What I can tell you is countless stories that start with, "My LFS said it was OK and possible to..."
  12. Hey guys! How is the tank doing now? I wanted to ask if you had any trouble after removing a significant amount of live rock? Did you find that you had to make up for any levels in your dosing regimen? Did you ever figure out the magnesium mystery? Your tank is truly a living art piece!
  13. - I would have put my lights on pulleys a long time ago in order to bring them up and down in order to work in a tank.
  14. Cant you scrape the tint off, or a I picturing it all wrong?
  15. Yes, they are amazing for sifting sand, all over my tank all the time.
  16. You should seriously just plumb through the wall and put your sump in the bathtub! Or better yet, turn your bathtub INTO the sump! Stand is looking really nice, can't wait to see this grow!
  17. Brad908 did the Zeovit stuff on his last build, and the results are documented through his build. Personally, I would try it only if I had problems or issues, like not enough color, or growth. You can really tell how far things came along in his tank though, worth a read through. How does the fish list look?
  18. Thanks! I can't wait either, haha... but I am. Honestly, I wouldn't have the hood if it wasn't for the ol' lady. But the ease of bringing it up and down now with the lifts is awesome, so I don't mind it at all. It was my compromise to her want. I actually have it lifted off still as I don't mind the suspended look, and it keeps the light from spilling out the sides, eh, maybe it'll stay up. You'll be there in no time! It took a lot of research and planning, as it was my first rodeo. Taking the cycle slow is the key to working on all those other parts that I normally would focus on last. Plus it really helps that I've got a fantastic tank to work on already. Thanks! I'm on my way! Haha, yeah, I got a lot more done this afternoon than I thought. I had to whittle down all the toggle bolts in order to have them fit in the ceiling, but the weight is holding just fine. Spare time, not so much! this Apex is going to take most of it. I was going to hard wire it and carefully cable from the computer over to the other side of the room, but unexpectedly we found a spot that we want to buy this afternoon. Say hello to the rest of my spare time! I'm going to temporarily halt some of the more permanent, "well fix this up when we move out" projects just in case. My Fiance and I had this, "well, we really like it... do you think we should go for it" talk right after I drilled 4 fresh holes in our ceiling. If we do get it (we are keeping our fingers crossed real tight) the 150 will be coming with me, and the 57 will be on a quick sale. I might even sell all my SPS off (which at this point I have quite a few really nice pieces) and start from SPS scratch. My original process was going to be keep SPS in the 57 for as long as possible 4-5 months, and then move it over. Maybe I can find a local wamas member to hold it for me if it does happen, I don't know, we will see how life plays out the next few days. Send good thoughts my way.
  19. Here. Any forward movement on those books you've been recommended? Start reading everything you can, instead of creating "what if" hypothetical situations. You'll get a lot more information that way, and probably answer a lot of your questions! A lot of things you are looking to find the answer about you will find while you poke around the beginners forum, both on WAMAS, and read all the stickies on RC for newbies. This hobby isn't going anywhere, I promise. If anybody can understand how excited you are, trust me, it's me. Now let your tank cycle (give it 4-8 weeks) and go outside and enjoy this weather while it lasts!
  20. Well, what do you think about this? And many thanks for them, btw. I poured the dirty water right into the sump with them, and the skimmer showed me that it's working. Also hung rigged the canopy up to the ceiling. It's not ideal at the moment, as I just did it with parts I had around the apartment, but it get's the job done, and will be fantastic for working on the tank when I need to raise or lower it with ease: Next step, Apex!
  21. Instead of looking to add supplements why don't you just feed instead? I occasionally spray a little cyclopeeze or reef roids with my corals, and I find that keeps everything looking bright and colorful. Just a thought!
  22. Nice! I lived in São Paulo for 3 months before I was into reefing
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