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Everything posted by Steve175

  1. I've got 2 empty 100G Rubbermaids but I am in West Friendship MD (about an hour each way from you). More than happy to loan them for 1-2 weeks if helpful and you've no closer option. Steve
  2. Not good!!! I'm already spending too much money at the LFS w/out bringing a wad of $1.
  3. By the way, very cool idea/Thanks!!! Heading to DC this weekend because of this (everyone is happy except my wife )
  4. Perhaps a bit on the outskirts from y'all but probably worth adding Exotic Aquatics in Baltimore, MD Exotic Aquatics www.exoticaquatics.com 8870 Waltham Woods Rd Baltimore, MD 21234-2402 (410) 668-1200
  5. Dude: I often try to engage my wife in my expensive obsession (reefing): she was HIGHLY amused by your video. Thanks for a good laugh!! (Am pretty sure that Mantis' are like lightening - never strike twice in the same spot . . . why don't you try one more time [with the camera of course purely for scientific purposes]).
  6. No primary experience w/ Caulerpa Serrulata here, but just googled it and seems most folks have had luck w/ most types of urchins, tangs, and rabbittfish. While space might be a bit tight for the latter two, perhaps you could get a small tang/foxface w/ the plan to trade for a frag (or three) once the caulerpa has been annihilated.
  7. Perhaps it is time now to switch from chemical to biologic weapons of mass AEFW destruction: perhaps the addition of a 6 line wrasse?
  8. Very nice!!! Had thought about incorporating the pondfoam/aragonite into my aquascaping, but had read about some longevity issues w/ it on RC. How long have you had it up? Also very interested in the scallop. Have wanted one for a while but haven't yet read much about the requisite husbandry. Please do let us know how it fares over time. Thanks for sharing!
  9. One one . . . but with 5 dedicated pumps (Deltec AP 1004 w/ Mag-9 feed pump).
  10. Same here: have added 2 separate 5-7 schools of chromis over the years: always ended up with only one - the biggest one. Have actually been witness to the chromi-on-chromi violence - not pretty. Have now sworn them off although now that I've a bigger tank, would like to know if others have had a similar experience to bob.
  11. 220G display, 70G sump, 300G refugium, $600 electric bill
  12. +1 for in sump between baffles for constant water level.
  13. Any issues w/ using the 1.5mo old SW. I always have 150G mixed and ready (for emergency) w/ 2 heaters and a circulating pump buy would like to save the electricity on the latter and only start them 24h before routine water changes.
  14. Consider separately getting rid of the filter sock [prob adding to nitrate burden unless you are changing religiously] and adding some liverock to the sump for refuge for the occasional marauder.
  15. +1 for regular cement (red lettering for both "PVC and CPVC) to follow purple primer. Use in a ventilated area and still enjoy the buzz!!!
  16. Lemonpeel angel + Expensive zoas = Angry reefer (in a 220G). Had a flame in a 50G hex many moons ago (well less than 4', was taller than wide which the LFS told me was ideal for a reef [NOT!]) who was happy and an ideal citizen w/ both softies and LPS.
  17. In addition to location: keep the driver bone dry. Had one of my drivers sitting on a bucket and dropped literally 5cc of SW by mistake on it and fried the motherboard - on the first day I was setting it up!!! Although the service was great, saltwater damage was not covered under warranty (my "I'm not sure why it won't run" didn't fly when I sent it in and it was covered it black soot despite my attempts at cleaning it) and it proved to be a $100 mistake (cost of replacement motherboard which I then installed). Please learn from my idiotic mistake. I don't know how many times I need to relearn that: saltwater + electricity = bad. My 2 cents (actually $100)
  18. You mean Mississippi lime is the same as the overpriced Kalk powder from Kent (and other reef manufacturers) for which I have been shelling out over the years? No risk of contaminants?
  19. Same here: My wife accused my dog of taking a dump somewhere in the house today when I cleaned the cup today on my Deltec; the dog was much safer in my downdraft days. Granted, I upsized tank capacity with the switch to my Deltec, but IMO Deltec is in a different league. My 2 cents.
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