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Everything posted by Steve175

  1. As above, aquarium epoxy likely would work as well: a bit more expensive but known to be reef safe and might be easier to work into the look you want
  2. Consider some live food (live brine or blood worms). Others will chime in with specific diagosis/treatment recs as well. A pic would likely help us guide you more specifically.
  3. Am I the last one hobbling? Day 5 with no end in sight . . . And I need to head out of town for a work trip tomorrow . . . [moment of silence please] . . .
  4. Still no power and can't catch a break: my 20kW generator stopped this evening. I scrambled as all my tanks were silent and warming and finally figured out that it had stopped due to low oil pressure. I had happened to check the oil in it less than 2 weeks before. I think with constant running and the heat, the oil may be being consumed more rapidly. Refilled the oil and got it back running. I suggest that those of you still relying on generators check the oil gauge. $0.02
  5. Still no power so far. Temp peaked at 84.5 on Sat night. Has been below 83 since. The fish/corals/inverts are faring better than we are.
  6. I have drilled, epoxied, and zip tied LR. You can leave it out of water for relatively long periods of time (it often spends more than a week just in wet newspaper when shipped initially) when you are ready to 'scape the new tank. As above, I would do a large water change and let the rock cycle in your current tank (or in a vat) with a heater, a powerhead and no light (which is what cooking the rock is). If you let it recycle and keep it live, you will save yourself a couple of months with a new cycle in the new tank. I am pretty sure than muriatic or acetic acid would dissolve some of it (much good LR has coral skeletons within it).
  7. Scott: If you decide to set up another tank at the school once the dust settles, please PM me as I would like to make a donation. You should buy a lotto ticket today: you are due some luck. Hang in there. Steve
  8. We are still without power, but after adding a window AC unit to the livingroom yesterday (which was able to keep the livingroom temp to 88F during peak sun yesterday), after uncovering my chillers and pointing 2 fans at them (fans #6 and #7), and with continuing to float ice every 4h the temp has actually continued to come down now to 82.2. Fingers still crossed . . . [they're starting to cramp a bit they've been crossed so long]
  9. Flip: do you run your AC on your generator currently? This thread (and the heat) have motivated me to ask my electrician to come by while our generator is still running to see what current we are drawing and therefore see whether one of our two central AC units can be added (later) to the system. I'll report back here once I have the data. When I had it installed, I assumed that we would most be at risk of power loss during the fall and winter when AC is less of an issue. I haven't lived here long: how often should I expect these types of storms during peak summer?
  10. Great minds (or obsessed minds think alike): I had just added a window unit to the living room. Just got back home with another 200# of ice. Temp is a bit lower at 83.9 (peaked at 84.5 overnight). Fingers crossed . . .
  11. My ongoing issue is the heat as well. We are 36h in with no power and have been told that it may not be repaired until Weds. I have a large automatic switching propane generator that has saved my tank multiple times in the past. I also have 2 chillers in the system which have been running 24/7. Obviously the central AC units for the house cannot be run on the generators. Despite both chillers running 24/7, all lights off, 5 fans, and as much ice as I can freeze, the tank temp peaked at 84.5 late yesterday and is only down to 84.2 this AM. A moment of silence for today. . .
  12. A free and benign reef gift. It is still my favorite part of the hobby when random cool things just pop up.
  13. Try reversing the probes on the TDS to confirm that the meter is not the problem. I have a spectrapure unit and for mine you need a higher resistance insert for the waste line with higher output membranes. Might double check that BRS doesn't have a similar requirement if that wasn't part of the upgrade kit.
  14. I agree with above: I suspect that the popeye is trauma related and will resolve spontaneously. I saw the same thread as Ryan S (I think it was from PaulB) regarding "draining the pressure from popeye" but would defer direct intervention if at all possible if it were me. IMO, I would keep feeding them well, provide them places to hide (appropriately sized segments of PVC pipe or fittings or anything else easily removed and reef safe which is sitting around (I use Tunze rocks which I find otherwise too big to be useful for anything else) and wait it out. This time around, the fish are all swimming and eating and I am very optimistic that this go will not be as $hitty as you had recently. BTW, are you sure that you maintain the bucket temp well during such a long acclimation? Double checking that you don't use an airstone during acclimation (as this will depress pH further).
  15. Initially I used the recommended dilution on the muriatic bottle, but I have gotten lazy and impatient over time and use a stronger concentration. I usually just estimate ~ 5-10% muriatic. A gallon goes a long way and is ~ $5. I am interested in what concentration zygote uses as he does this more than I. I would recommend using gloves (which I have stopped using [as a doc, I am very comfortable telling people to do what I say, not what I do as per the hypocritic oath]) as your skin will get a bit irritated (not much of an issue if rinsed quickly). I usually pull the impeller out of my pumps and soak them overnight. I think that the impeller shaft and drive shaft get cleaner when they are separated. If I could run them for some of the interval I would, but my PHs would empty a 5G bucket (the big-boy tunzes). For the MP40s (frag tank), I just soak the wet side overnight. HTH. BowieReefer84: When you gonna drop by my house to give my system a consult as you promised?
  16. Many of the fish you list are known jumpers: I would look behind and under the tank. Do you have a dog? I have caught our retriever snacking on carpet-surfed jerky in the past. I now add all fish to a covered, blanketed tank which I keep dark x 24h to give them a fighting chance for orientation before stressed by MH light and prior inhabitants.
  17. Sucks!!! Ruined my day. I was really pulling for a miracle recovery/Seemed to hand on longer than expected. Peace of mind knowing you did all you could.
  18. (Please remind me not to pi$$ you off . . . )
  19. (Thanks Robert and Chad for the advice!. Sorry Splavey to steal the thread)
  20. I also have always use GE Silicone 1 (identify the one with mold/mildew inhibitor and then don't buy that one).
  21. Agreed. 'pods. Congrats/Do not worry.
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