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Everything posted by MBVette

  1. its really easy being patient at this point. The tank is filling in with corals, and not a lot more room for things to add. And I have a pretty good amount of fish in there, that I don't feel like Im missing anything. So I went the route fill the tank quickly and now I enjoy it. I do a water change once every few weeks and change out carbon and gfo occasionally and otherwise I leave the tank be. Yup that is the daycare tank. And thanks it is as clear of a tank I have ever seen right now. Don't know how I am pulling it off, but everyone has been commenting about how clear it looks right now.
  2. Good to hear about crazy eyes. And I don't think time was going to help in my tank since he knew the quick route out, but very happy to hear he has finally decided to settle into your tank.
  3. Those pictures are awesome? Is the exquisite still around, or has he jumped and killed himself yet?
  4. I have the very first shipment of the AI Vega's. The fans are going in them now, and I am having to replace them one by one. Kind of a pain in the behind.
  5. Yeah the sailfin was from the QR sale, and he is doing awesome. They are in my top 5 favorite fish, very happy its working with 3 zebrasoma's in the tank. The 2 caps are doing really well, and showing some growth on both of them. Im up to 8-9 polyps on the palys now, so they are growing quickly.
  6. I think you will be fine with a small bubble tip.
  7. Just a couple updated tank pics. I added a desjardini sailfin a couple months back and that seems to have solved my agression issues and all the fins on the yellow tang look good now. For the moment Im letting everything in the tank just be, not really adding anything at the moment. But everything seems to be pretty happy right now.
  8. I think mine is about 1.5 years old not and going strong. But my sinularia is invading its space so I am going to need to cut that back and hopefully will sell some at the meeting. But nobody can touch Dr Mac's clams, some day I will need to make the drive out there also.
  9. Got a meeting in a few weeks and they usually have good deals there.
  10. While nice, my fire was in my day care center and it called the fire dept automatically. So sure you will get a text that says there is smoke, so it is one step better. But if you are not home what are you going to do if there is a fire? You get the alert do you call 911 right away, do you drive home? Call 911 for nothing you will get a bill, drive home and your house could have burned down. Sometimes a little knowledge is dangerous.
  11. 1. One of my tanks runs on 3 different circuits, my other 2 tanks run on 1 circuit. 1. Smoke detectors only help if you are home. I am one of the people who had a big fire from their tank. And since I was not there a smoke detector would not have mattered. 3. Apex on 1 tank, other tanks no controller.
  12. Most companies say they are not going to change things when the merger happens, then 6 months down the line suddenly there are major changes within the new organization.
  13. He is a giant 7 year old, and can handle moving some things around.
  14. Its probably about a 25% waterchange with a 27g tank and a 10g ish sump. I want to try to teach him to be diligent in taking care of the tank so I want him to do the waterchange every week. But I could only put 3-4g in that container for the water change. I am also setting him up an ATO so he can just keep an eye on that instead of having to look at the sump to determine water levels. I think this will be a reef tank, some soft corals and maybe an anemone for the clowns he will have in there. But Im going to try to keep it lighty stocked to keep things easy on him.
  15. Problem with 5g buckets is they wont be easy for my nephew to pour w/o causing a mess and I would like to have him do everything when I am not there. I dont want him to rely on my brother to do the work for him so I am trying to find the easiest things for him to use. So I am looking for something with a spout or at least something easier than a bucket.
  16. Im looking for a few 5g jugs to transport water. I am setting up a tank for my nephew (27g cube) but I am not setting up a rodi at their house, so I am just going to use my setup and bring them water on the weekends. So I need a few jugs that are good for transporting some water. What are you guys using to move water around. I figure I will bring them 10g fresh and 5g salt every week for water changes and top off. So any recommendations? Thanks
  17. I used TB Saltwater for my old tank that burnt down. The rock is absolutly amazing, but as Rob said you will get some unwanted hitchhikers that you will have to pull out of there. I would recommend them highly just look the rock over before you put it in the tank.
  18. going to agree with everyone else, that they are percs. And they are lower grade picasso's based on their coloration.
  19. So he is doing it in your tank too. Be is just suicidal.
  20. darn dave that sucks. If you need any help you know how to get ahold of me.
  21. Also the jabao is not a power head like a vortech. They are like over power heads and are completly in the water.
  22. I tried it in my old 220, and it didnt work out well. The female wound up killing one of the new clowns once they found each other.
  23. I know DaveS just did it so talk to him. I'm actually going to dive Epcot on Thursday.
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