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Everything posted by Sharkey18

  1. SPS Radion users: What program are you using? I have recently been playing with various programs and everything is SO blue. My tank perpetually looks like dusk. I am currently running the Coral Lab SPS AB+ but have also tried the WWC profile. Growth and color are important to me, but I also want something aesthetically pleasing during the day. Suggestions? I am getting a PAR meter for Christmas (YAY)! so should also be able to get some numbers soon.
  2. Those photos are amazing! Are you using a lens tube? (The thing that you attach that lets you get into the water)?
  3. Anyone have experience troubleshooting the EcoTech reeflink? I can get it to connect to my wifi, but cannot get it to connect to EcoSmart Live. I've been resetting things for like 2 hours and the lights on the reef link remain that infuriating green/orange/yellow instead of a nice steady blue. I can call on Monday but was wondering if anyone has a quicker solution.
  4. What I learned from this is how gross rain water is!
  5. In the description of the sand it claims to "detoxify metals". I would definitely get rid of the sand.
  6. Hey Isaac, Part of the neglect involved taking down all of the other plumbed tanks so I only have the main tank and the sump. It was hard enough to keep the one tank running so all the others had to go. I just want to focus on this tank now. I could put some in the sump though.... if I can catch them.
  7. Thanks Tom, A few questions: #1 are the Angels reef safe? #2 I can volunteer for anything that can be started and finished in one day.
  8. I'm going to follow Dave's example and formally announce a return to the hobby. I walked away from reef keeping in 2016 amid a financial crisis in my business. For the past 3 years I've been completely consumed with reorganizing and fixing those issues and in 2018 we turned a corner and are doing really well. Phew. Of course all of that left no time to maintain a decent reef tank. While I did not take my tank down, it was pretty seriously neglected. I went with a "fish only and whatever else can survive with no maintenance" system. A few months ago I realized I was markedly less stressed than I had been, and thought, "Hey, what's that giant box of water doing in my living room.... " I started messing around and almost immediately all of the joy (and obsession) came back. I now have the time and the interest and have jumped back in. Part of that was a return to lurking around the WAMAS forums. I posted here and there in the past few weeks. So I am super excited to "see" you all again. I re-did all my rock, added new pumps, and am really happy and excited about my "new" tank. My biggest current issue is finding some fish. My existing fish have gotten quite used to living alone. I recently got a shipment from Live Aquaria that was delayed by UPS so everything arrived dead. That is traumatic for me so I am now looking to buy locally. My tank is a 250g and has: 2 small tangs (Scopas and bristle tooth), 1 large rabbitfish, (only addition during my hiatus to control algae) 2 clowns, 1 algae blenny, 1 single bad ass female lyre tail anthias 1 bad ass carpenter wrasse 1 ancient bent Bangaii I am looking for some fish additions that might make the tank seem less empty but not %$#* off the current inhabitants. I tried adding more Lyretail anthias but the existing female hunted them all down and killed them. Same thing with the wrasse when I tried to add other wrasse (same sp). Open to suggestions!
  9. Sharkey18

    For sale

  10. Sharkey18


    I can't find your hours listed anywhere.... would love to come by tomorrow. Laura
  11. Is there a specific place to announce meetings anymore? Laura
  12. Thank Tom. But a new problem. Now when I go to gallery and double click I no longer have the "copy link" option. I also don't see where the "private or public" settings are.
  13. Hey Tom, Any idea why I can't add a photo. Uploaded to the gallery fine but when I copy to a post the message I get says " You're not allowed to see them. " Laura
  14. Sharkey18


    From the album: For sale

  15. I'm out of town this weekend or else I would be there. What will your hours be?
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