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Kevin Garrison

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Everything posted by Kevin Garrison

  1. Minus the fire, I have been here twice with my old 150g, I am very sorry you had to experience this. I would suggest taking a day or two to think about it before you actually start selling off. Your reasoning is sound of why you are looking to do it, but I know when I lost everything over a 3 day trip to NJ I just turned the lights off for 6 weeks and let the tank run with carbon on it. It was because of the several WAMAS members telling me not to make any quick decisions that I still have a tank. My instant reaction was to tear it all down and get out, but I would have just wound up back in and would have had to rebuy everything. Taking a break can be a good thing, when I finally turned the lights back on... where there wasn't hair algae you couldn't look 1/4" without seeing masses of pods. If there is anything I can do to help, please ask.
  2. Okay, question for the plastic gurus, will weldon(16) adhere acrylic to plastic? If so that would also solve the problem
  3. Cut the brace out, use clear acryllic to replace. I have Dave's (Mogurnda) old 65g and that is how he fixed his when it broke. I will take a picture tonight when I get home.
  4. Never go to HD for plumbing supplies, to be blunt they suck, I go to Lowes for plumbing unless it is early enough that I can make it to Ferguson's or one of the other more local plumbing places. Saving a little money is nice, but the local shops tend to have more of the oddball stuff I look for that even Lowes doesn't have.
  5. How old is the impeller in your feed pump? I had an EV 120 and finally had to give up on it, after months of fighting with it I just couldn't sit there for hours on end trying to get it to trim out and work properly. There isn't really a lot of maintenance to do on the injector, but you may want to check the pump and clean it. Depending on how old the pump is, you might want to replace the impeller.
  6. +1 on BRK, that is where I got mine, but you are in DC...
  7. Too bad I am not allowed to access your site from work... something about the name being blocked by the web filters...
  8. If you go out to the garden/pond area, you can ask them for "bird netting" which is wider spacing than door screening. It is what I am using to make my covers, I saw it when I was at Gadget's house and it works well, no real light blockage.
  9. Another option, although not sweeping clean bend, is to use 2 45 angles vs 90 degree angle pipe. This is what I do to help reduce the head pressure caused by pvc elbows.
  10. I was thinking that.. along with... YA GOSH DARN YOUNG WHIPPERSNAPPER...
  11. Wow... and how blue the water is in the background... okay... I wanna live there...
  12. Not a complete noob anymore... likely just as broke so i am right there with you As long as the gel doesn't expand like regular gorilla glue does it should be no issues. Can't use gorilla glue when doing wood projects as it can expand a great deal messing up the seams.
  13. Actually I prefer the loctite gel over the superglue gel, locktite sets a little faster once it hits the water and holds better. I have had superglue gel let go a day or two later. Loctite comes in a larger bottle (4g) than the little superglue tubes from the $1 store.
  14. Cuttlefish. Eh? Let us not, dear friends, forget our dear friends the cuttlefish... flipping glorious little sausages. Pen them up together, and they will devour each other without a second thought... Human nature, in'it? Ooor... fish nature Capt Jack Sparrow
  15. Careful if you put a cowfish in the pond... they spit... quite far actually when they get bigger Oh... and be sure to take preventive measures to keep other animals away from the pond... cats... dogs... etc, based on another recent incident with a sump and a feline it is a bad combo!
  16. I would suggest what I am doing, make a screen top for your tank, they sell frame kits at lowes & home depot, go to the garden department and ask for bird netting. The bird netting has larger squares than regular window/door screening.
  17. Plumbing... NEVER EVER rely on pumps to do what proper plumbing can do again... thus preventing the loss of $1400 of retail replacement value fish including my beloved dwarf golden moray that I miss every time I look at the tank.
  18. Correct, they are all set up for recirc, but you can run it in bypass mode. Downside to that is then you have to worry about water level in the sump affecting the skimmer.
  19. I think vertical screening around the top of your sump may be in order... We have cats, I do not think any of them are foolish enough to cross me like that but they are cats... maybe it was trying to tell you you pay too much attention to the tank and not enough attention to him/her?
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