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Everything posted by reefmontalvo

  1. That looks like a field of death to a fish. How good are they at keeping things polished?
  2. very nice. I noticed your stand has no center brace. Is there any signs of bowing in the center of the front of the tank?
  3. If you ask me. I noticed that your chip was a stress trip. Also notice the condensation in the bubbles? I believe glass cages is located in Tn, a state with more humidity than Northern Va. If you ask me I think it happen with them and now the added stress of moving it around might have casued it to chip.
  4. I take it "nem' is the hip new way of sayn Anemone.
  5. Place me down for attendance. Also if you need help setting up give me a call. I'm off that day and will not mind volunteering to help out.
  6. I found that hdyroponic web sites have the same bulbs we use. But at a third of the cost. I noticed you can get a T-5 setup with double the bulbs and wattage for less than the other sites post for. I will look and come back with my results right now I'm at work.
  7. Most people who use PC's generally use to old used bulb for the fug.
  8. That is very true. Lots of reference knowledge. And congrats on your achivement. I know it's a B-day cake but heck it works.
  9. Just remeber at Home Depot they will sell you all the Acrylic you want. Lowes on the other hand will sell you all the Acrylic you want and then cut it to what ever size you need.
  10. Well you might as well turn on your filtration. The little guys are gonna need water movement soon.
  11. That's about what I recently did, when I upgrade my tank form a 55 to a 75. But I gave my tank a week seed time.
  12. Very nice I did not know you could have that much life in such a small tank.
  13. With a cup of live sand and some live rock your ready. I'd add three chromis to the tank. And then place in a few margaritas, other than that your tank is ready.
  14. I went thru two. The first little guy was very curious and used to investigate anything new in the tank. He was fearless and got sucked in to the intake of the protien skimmer when I had a hang-on the back system. Now the new one in the tank is not bad jsut as curious and very playfull, never seen him at wild with his tank mates. There a very nice fish to have to keep certain parasites in check.
  15. You better off going to lowes they can cut the size you need right then and there. Plus with oil going thru the roof the Acrylic will follow right behind.
  16. Well Damsels are nice a sweet at first when placed in the tank. But they soon become territorial after a few weeks. I think you should just pull the rocks out and get them if your truely worried about the Tang. I had a pair of clowns act the same way when I was transfering everything into my new tank. The best I can saw is you need to place the trap in the tank and let the fish feel comfortable with the trap. Since they have no clue it's a trap just leave in in the tank for a day or two with food inside. I'm sure they will eventually just go in and not come out.
  17. Good to know. I look forward to meet many of the fellow members in the club.
  18. Go on to Youtube and watch the videos it has lots of great information on how and what to look for when drilling your tank. Its not as hard as you may think. In some of the videos the guys are drilling everything from twenty gallon tanks up to 400 gallons. The thing is watch and see the various ways the guys made water darns or used garden hoses to keep cool running water on the surface.
  19. You have something eating your peppermint shrimp? Well the only thing I can suggest is you go to BRK and buy like 5 of those guys. That way they eat it all up in the tank and sump before they go extinct in your tank.
  20. Dude it's the classic trick. They make you wait a long time, then when it finally gets delivered to you and there is minor damage they rather knock off a couple of bucks, because they know your not going to wait another two weeks for the truck to get back into town. Plus I bet there is a re-shelf fee if you reject the tank for chips. But in this case the chip was on the bottom of the tank and can be easily hidden. Now as for the seal job on the inside I agree with everyone else it be in your best interest to place water in the tank and let it sit over night in the porch. When I did heavy aircraft maintenance there were lots of shady guys who used sealant to there advantage and would place more than need to hide a hacked up sheetmetal job. Besides it will just strengthen your case if they go to talk trash when you return there product.
  21. I set a peppermint shrimp in the refugium. Then later after all aptasia was gone I bought more and sent them on a mission to the main tank. I rather have them be natural way of clearing the tank of the varments.
  22. Did you need for me to bring anything, Drinks, cups, appetite, plates........appetite?
  23. Often times you see an orange sticker on the bottom of the tank facing up so you can see it when looking down in to the tank prior to fill it up.
  24. Very nice work. I still need to stain my stand. Because everthing else in the house is either tan to match the berber carpet or black to match the 60inch HD sitting in the corner of the living room.
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