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Everything posted by bigJPDC

  1. NO way! and then four VHO actinics or T5's in a box shape around the square hallide fixture?
  2. how did you get to change your title above your avatar!!!!!
  3. Thank you! Things are much more in proportion now that the stand is wider than the 65. It looked more like a pulpit than a fireplace mantle when I got done and I should have made it much wider not only for a bigger sump, but to put your elbows (and margarita) on when viewing. Dandy - nice one! I have thought about doing an add on but would get stuck with only a 20H for a sump since I didn't knock out the sides of the stand. It would be too much demo. Dbartco - I have been brainstorming how to light a 4x4x2 cube all morning . . .
  4. Finally. Not quite the perfectionist woodworker that YB is, but wanted to share. I found out that if I took the cabinet out I could actually smash together two of the wrapping paper holders, giving me the capacity I was after (16 gallons, about 10 days' supply) for under $20 including used bulkheads I got for $2.50 each at F&F. The top is actually a bunch of pine boards edge glued, attached with a big piano hindge. Since I only pour my topoff into one of the containers, I am also convincing myself that less settled kalk will be in the side that holds the pump. I haven't seen any calcification in the tank. Now I gotta build one more for the other side. jp
  5. yeah Jamal - you don't get to mix and match like you do with T5's because MH is point focus instead of spread out from the T5 SLR's - that's why they are famous for their shimmer. Pick a K and suppliment with VHO actinics to pop the corals.
  6. tell that guy to stop posting in all CAPS next time.
  7. don't forget there is instruction, and then there is execution. You have to take the advice you are now blaming your negative reefing experience on in the context with which they were given. Testing for nitrate doesn't fix overfeeding, foam sponge nitrate sinks, crappy water blah blah blah. I bet I test once a month if that even anymore. Large water changes are the best way to lower nitrates. Lower, not eliminate (instruction and execution) I have personal experience here and I do 20% every 2-4 weeks. There is no 'best' anything, unless it's Dandy's equipment ( ). Too many variables in terms of tanks and livestock. jp
  8. are you sure you have the standpipe pushed down far enough so there is a falling off of the water level inside the megaflow? That should suck that surface layer right down but if there is less overflow area touching the surface then you will see less surface skimming.
  9. cool - I didn't think this would spark discussion. I picked up five trochus at F&F because I couldn't find astreas, and they were all dead the next day. Aquatic World out here in Leesburgh has an awesome cleanup crew selection, although they are $3 each, which adds up fast. I still have the orginal 7 scarlet hermits and 2 ceriths I bought from them almost a year ago, along with every fish I've ever bought from them. Occasionally I will find the astreas upside down, but they seem to be able to protect themselves because after I right them they keep moving around. Remember, in nature they are food, not pets so it's not a big deal to just keep replacing them. I have a feeling I lost my mexicans becuase the tank temp stayed over 80 all summer. Not sure if I even need to replace them now and didn't like how they kept knocking over frags anyway.
  10. not sure toast. Giant mexican turbos also love the brown stuff, but I only saw it when I first cycled my tank and on the eductor. Maybe you have a different kind of algae.
  11. I had to share this. The one place in my entire tank that has algae is my eductor. Since it is unreachable it steadily grows a beard of brown hair, which I just wipe off every now and then. The other day I was moving some corals around and set an astrea on it and forgot about it. lmao - after two days it looks like this: you can see he's munched almost the whole thing clean. I am surprised the copperband hasn't found him and pecked him off, but this is why I have to have these guys in my tanks. I finally found astreas and ceriths last weekend and haven't had to clean my glass since. enjoy, jp
  12. how are you going to attach it to the cpvc? what are you using for 'netting'? I'm kinda interested in this project because I use eggcrate now with sections that I remove for feeding, and if you are using some type of plastic screening I could just pour my food right through it. I've always stopped a solution like this because I couldn't see how to do splining with a compound structure like you have there to get around the overflow and other plumbing. good luck, jp
  13. am I missing the part where there is a net?
  14. YB - off the hook. Milling dimensional lumber is a step that only another woodworker would even care about. Rock on man, jp
  15. I think I asked you before - is any of the cleanup crew for sale?
  16. I had a subpanel and outlets put in to handle a basement workshop up in NY and it was $500. I like to stay away from the breakers myself but am cool with adding outlets and dimmers and such.
  17. bigJPDC


    10 gals doesn't really give you a lot of room for error - I think I have 11 free in my 20H sump to absorb a system meltdown. Your sump needs to be able to handle a power outage plus any other failures - like a failed check valve, snail over your siphon break hole etc. Like YB says - change the entry point so less water could drain, get a bigger sump or accept the risk. fwiw I didn't like the idea of a siphon hole in my return plumbing so I installed a check valve instead, which I use every day when I turn off the pump at feeding time - never failed. jp
  18. are you the same person posting with a different screen name? Just checking. jp
  19. use plastic sheeting, cut it to size and install and caulk the same way you would a stand up shower. Most folks use something called parkland plastic, and if you find a place that sells it local let me know. jp
  20. bigJPDC


    well said guys, I see what you are saying.
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