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Ryan's 150g Marineland Deep Dimension!

Ryan S

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I saw those, but I need the clip part to be vertical and the fan horizontal. They all appear to have a horizontal clip and horizontal fan... My old clip on fan had the clip part swing from horiz to vert. Do any of these do that?

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I purchased an Azoo from Drs Foster and smith that clips on to my sump. It's adjustable, sleek and quiet. Works great! I'm not getting rid it. when I get rid of it is when I'll need it. Here's the link. http://www.drsfoster...fm?pcatid=14701

I like those Azoo ones Jan. They have a bunch on ebay too. 2, 4, and 6 fan versions. I think one of those on the back of the tank would look pretty nice actually, but the bracket won't fit on my tank (1"). Maybe if I could figure out how to modify the bracket on those or something. If they were sitting on the back of the tank blowing the hot air away from the tank, I bet they'd make a difference. At least 1 or 2 degrees.

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I am leaning towards setting a small fan like this on the back left corner:


The tank has the mesh screen on top, so it wouldn't fall in. It would sit over the corner overflow of the tank, resting on the corner of the tank, blowing the air across and away from the tank. 6"x6" is pretty small...

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Winter is almost here. Just turn the air on a little for now, and in a few weeks you won't have any problems. Wait till next summer to figure things out.

That's an option, but I'm also only running the MH for 4hrs/day right now. When I increase that to 6hrs/day, I'm going to need something to keep the tank under 82 I think. (I'm currently raising it 30min/week).

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I had it attached to my sump. It adjusts up and down. I don't think it would look nice on the tank. Also don't forget that the increase in ventilation will cause increase in evaporation.


I like those Azoo ones Jan. They have a bunch on ebay too. 2, 4, and 6 fan versions. I think one of those on the back of the tank would look pretty nice actually, but the bracket won't fit on my tank (1"). Maybe if I could figure out how to modify the bracket on those or something. If they were sitting on the back of the tank blowing the hot air away from the tank, I bet they'd make a difference. At least 1 or 2 degrees.

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I am starting an experiment today.


I have decided to take my GFO reactor offline and see how the tank reacts.


I am still running a fuge with a large amount of chaeto and dosing vinegar.


Anyone want to guess how the tank will react?


A. Better.

B. Worse.

C. No Noticeable Change.



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cheap clip on fans make that tank look so sophisticated. you should switch to a good LED- perhaps 2 Kessils to get away from those pesky halides and their cooling issues...

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Why - I want to see how my corals react without GFO in the system. Do they color up better? Do they grow faster?


A clip on fan wouldn't look great, I get that, a chiller would be ideal, but I just don't have the room for it at the moment. As soon as I find a fan, I will try it on the sump first, to see if that helps enough, witout having to see the fan above the DT.


So far, my tank is running 79-82 on a daily basis. One day it went up to 83. So if it only goes to 83 once a month or something (then the MH shuts off via my Apex), then maybe a fan or chiller isn't needed as badly as I thought.

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Have you tested your phosphates with a Hanna test?


If everything is growing good with no excess algae growth why change it.

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Have you tested your phosphates with a Hanna test?


If everything is growing good with no excess algae growth why change it.

0.0 w/ Hanna for 6 months now.


Well, some corals are white (not bleeched white). Others aren't as colorful as they should be. Some aren't growing as fast as others, etc. Plus, I have other ways to remove phosphates (chaeto+vinegar). I wouldn't be opposed to taking the vinegar offline too. I want to simplify the system if I can. But I don't mind running the GFO either. I just want to see what changes, if anything at all. I still have the reactor and jug of GFO, so I can hook it up within 5 minutes. If I see algae start to grow in the tank, for example, I'll hook it right back up! However, as a few others have experienced on these very forums, corals may grow faster and look better once the GFO is taken offline, so we'll see.

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Growth is much faster. Very obvious, even after 1 month. Multiple frags have 2-5 new branches that have started to grow in just a month. The color change is also noticeable. For example, the red planet in the center of the photo. It was a purple red with green base under the radions. Evan told me it's supposed to be a very solid, apple-red, polyps and the base. The green meant it wasn't getting enough light. It's hard to tell in my FTS from today, but you can see it, the red planet is much more red now, less purple, and there is no green on base anymore. Also, check out the digi in the center back (the big one). Look at the branch sticking to the left. That's an inch of growth in just 1 month (and it's near the bottom).

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