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Are the specs on this RO/DI unit Im about to buy good?


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Hi all--i'm interested in buying an RO/DI unit. My limited knowledge from research says the more stages typically means the better.


I'm wondering if the one i'm about to buy is good for my new 125 i'm setting up.


http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemVersion&view=all&item=190460118608&tid=556379844009&ssPageName=ADME:X:UPIOB:US:1123 or


A listing for an RO/DI


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The links say the item is no longer available. I strongly recommend that instead of getting one off of eBay that you look at our sponsor, Air, Water, Ice (see their forum here). Many members have one of their units which are of excellent quality and the customer service is unbelievable. Any problem you have, just email or call and they'll help. They've sent many of us small parts that may have broken or gone bad for free even a couple years after we purchased the units. I cannot recommend them highly enough.

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I bought my first system off eBay and ever saw 0 TDS. Then I bought an AWI system and have never seen anything but 0 TDS. I don't know why there is a difference but there is. The most expensive thing in this hobby is when you have to buy the same thing over. It has happened to me a lot.

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If its the one from Purewaterclub.com I am using it. The only problem with them is I think they tend to send you a 450ml restrictor for any unit they sell. So make sure you get the right one. Made me go nuts trying to figure out why I couldn't get 0 TDS, I ended up getting a 100ml restrictor with a ball valve on it and dialed it in.

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I would go with Air Water Ice. I'm not big on getting brands for the sake of brands, but it's a tried and true product line and very good customer service.

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I love my Air, Water and Ice Typhoon III.i would strongly recomend it. The price is good too. So is the price on replacement filters. I bought an ebay special, and it was hard to get replacement filters. I could only get mine from the guy I bought the filter from and they were expensive. So I switched to AWI Typhoon. Had I been a member of WAMAS at the time I would have bought it to begin with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love my Air, Water and Ice Typhoon III.i would strongly recomend it. The price is good too. So is the price on replacement filters. I bought an ebay special, and it was hard to get replacement filters. I could only get mine from the guy I bought the filter from and they were expensive. So I switched to AWI Typhoon. Had I been a member of WAMAS at the time I would have bought it to begin with.


okay guys...Typhoon III extreme on the way, just pulled the trigger. Seemed to have every single thing i could possibly need like inline TDS meters, DI switch so I can just skip that part for drinking water, etc. You guys all seemed very happy, and their service seems great. More than I wanted to spend, but it's the gatekeeper to success. Now if I can just find someone close to help me plumb this system right and set up my darn sump for success!! I'm struggling out here in Annapolis! Anyone know of guys that are in anne arundel county that wouldnt mind coming out to help me set this up so I can actually get my live rock in this tank? :wacko:

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A wonderful choice. I have had mine for 4-5 years and works great.

I change the filters annually. I watch the DI chamber with the color changing resin for replaceing spent DI resin.

You can also press the button and it will show you the TDS coming out of the RO membrane and what is coming out of the DI chamber(last filter).

Good customer service too.


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  • 3 weeks later...

okay guys...Typhoon III extreme on the way, just pulled the trigger. Seemed to have every single thing i could possibly need like inline TDS meters, DI switch so I can just skip that part for drinking water, etc. You guys all seemed very happy, and their service seems great. More than I wanted to spend, but it's the gatekeeper to success. Now if I can just find someone close to help me plumb this system right and set up my darn sump for success!! I'm struggling out here in Annapolis! Anyone know of guys that are in anne arundel county that wouldnt mind coming out to help me set this up so I can actually get my live rock in this tank? :wacko:


Great choice. You'll love it.

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