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New Members 1000 gallon reef tank display


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This is a clients tank that was just put up today. He I believe is registering today on this forum board and will be joining the club in the next month> I told him I would get a thread started and let him chime in. Tank is 8'x4'x4'. It will be a reef tank as well. The gentleman on the very left is the owner (last picture)







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Scuba-diving doctor, no doubt... he'll need a ****** unit so he can reach the frags he puts on the sand bed...


Now... where did I put that spare half-ton of live rock??



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Now THAT tank might be large enough to ward off the Tang police! :)


I can't wait to hear more and see pics as the tank develops.

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I noticed the PT 8x8 under the tank. No worries about the wood skrinking unevenly and causing issues with the acrylic seems?

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Looks awesome! Love to have a tank that size for sure. Stocking options are almost unlimited with that kind of water volume. Welcome to the club :)


Is the room off to the left where all of the equipment will go?

Edited by dandy7200
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I noticed the PT 8x8 under the tank. No worries about the wood skrinking unevenly and causing issues with the acrylic seems?


It looks like there is a sheet of something between the PT wood and the tank; perhaps it's plastic?


And not likely to be much 'spillage' from a tank that size; you have to do all of the work by remote control - you can't reach but halfway down with your hands.


Hope we get to see some pictures of the rock being set up, etc...


And instructions on how to do 100 gallon water changes... :)



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The stand has styrofoam underneath a sheet of plywood. I typically like to see steel stands but, this was a case where the client wanted to save some $ and his brother's assurances that this would be a solid base given his engineering background.


Some pics of the setup will be posted as progress continues. We just wanted to get it up on the stand and out of the way for the moment. Believe it or not but, the 4 of us got it up on the 39" tall stand. The old lever & Fulcrum method..............simple and effective.


The water changes will be in the neighborhood of 150 gallons. A separate acrylic tank was constructed for that alone. It will have a dedicated mixing pump, temperture controller, and heater.


There is a large room off to the side (pictured) where all of the equipment and plumbing will go to. The drain will be either a 2.5" or 3" out the side (left). Sump is about 200 gallons. We are starting off with 1600 watts of Giesemann lighting. A very large Bubble King skimmer along with Deltec and Tunze equipment will run this monster. There will be a 120 watt UV sterilizer on here as well. The rock will be epoxy'd into place for the most part.


I had some WAMAS members help me build this tank. PCO1988 was a big help and actually shot some of the glue seams. The tank will be on idle for a week while some other pieces are brought in for assembly. I'll let the gentleman who's tank this is comment further should he get his registration in order to post.

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Wow! Now that's nuts! Congrats to him on his new tank. Yes, the stand he has there is more than sufficient. It cracks me up that people are trying to build 90g stands out of 2x4s and 4x4s. Anyway, congrats...can't wait until he joins and tells us more :D

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unreal. It looks like you can see through it to another room, is the plan for being visible on front and back?


The aquascaping potential is limitless. Glad to be taggin along.




nope - too many margaritas I guess - that's the picture taker's reflection.



Edited by bigJPDC
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It cracks me up that people are trying to build 90g stands out of 2x4s and 4x4s.


Why is that? Properly planned and assembled, 2x4s and 4x4s can be more than sufficient for a 90g stand. IMNSHO, most DIY stands are over engineered when it comes down to materials used, but that's an entirely different discussion. :)


I really am looking forward to seeing this tank progress. It looks like several WAMAS members already have some very nice corals that they would be willing to part with for this tank. So, when do we get to meet the mystery owner? Come on now, don't be shy. We don't bite (hard). ;)

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dang, wish I had the space in my house for somethin like that! I'm keepin my eye on this one.... :eek:

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Why is that? Properly planned and assembled, 2x4s and 4x4s can be more than sufficient for a 90g stand. IMNSHO, most DIY stands are over engineered when it comes down to materials used, but that's an entirely different discussion. :)


Oh that's what I was saying...2x4x and 4x4s for a 90g is overkill ;) I was just confirming that his stand should be more than enough :)

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Guest Undercoverdork

WOW, that tank is official!

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  • 3 months later...

Lotsa nice stuff! Surprised at how long it's taking to get set up, though. More like MY speed. I only have two - slow, and stop. It will take me 4 months to set up the 225-gallon.



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It definitely has taken some time. Multiple factors are making it that way including the fact that I am doing 3 large setups in a very short time and with a gigantic one on the horizon.

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