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About NAGA

  • Birthday 09/21/1965

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Grandmaster Reefer

Grandmaster Reefer (9/13)

  1. Thanks Tom, im going to go this route based on what you say and my preliminary thoughts of trying just that. The system is 1500 gallons (reef) so there is a lot to lose if a mistake is made. Appreciate it Tom! btw: thank you everyone who replied with their experiences and suggestions on a method of getting this done. Very much appreciated.
  2. Your experience is what I had but lost more fish and rose anenomes. I’m thinking of doing a lower dose and leaving skimmer on but very low.
  3. I’ve had bad luck using red slime removers in reef tanks where I have killed anenomes and some fish despite using the product as directed. I’ve heard Anti-red is better to use and apparently there is one made by Sera and one made by Aqua Medic. It was also told to me that these products claim to leave skimmer on while in use. Anybody with any experience with these products on a heavily stocked reef tsnk?
  4. Take a look at our website
  5. We build steel stands. Email us for a quote
  6. Beautiful ! Is that the same tank we made for you 8 yrs ago?
  7. Lots of cutoffs have built up. Sumps Limit in length 36" Limit in height 16" Limit in width 16" Frag tank Length limit 36" Width limit 20" Height limit 10" Topoff tank limits will be 15 gallons There will be a limited amount of these tanks that I will be able to do so act fast. These will be a fast turnaround of less than a week. Need this material used up and out of here.
  8. Btw this would be in Virginia Falls church area
  9. I need some help with setting up an apex connecting to Internet. Pm me if you can help. Willing to bartar for this service
  10. I'm impressed but, prices are not listed. What is the pricing for these?
  11. John I will try to be available. That is a good time for me so I'd say 75% sure I can
  12. We are past the second week of June. When are they going to be in?
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