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Everything posted by dhoch

  1. Please contact me directly so I am sure you want this done... My phone # is available via PM or emailing the officers of the club. Dave
  2. This error has occured a number fo times... I have a way of fixing it, but it involves direct database manipulation (which is why I have not shared with anyone)... a novice could very easily screw things up. If you are haveing this problem please contact me. Dave
  3. Carla, Very sorry to hear/see that. Defintly remove the clam, the other things still have live flesh so I would not remove them... allthough it is a set back you'd be surprised how much those corals and inverts want to live! Dave
  4. Actually Dave I encouraged GSP to grow on one of my internal overflow boxes... easy to maintain and keep away form other stuff and the rug view looks kind coold. Dave
  5. You can also form a drip cup and put a probe in that (that's what I do). Dave
  6. I would be interested in the baseline YB... are they including or do you have to purchase seperately? Chip... Johnny donated a test kit to the club... I still have it. Dave
  7. Those are perfectly designed for rack rails... You can buy them at any music store or online... various lengths. Dave (see my bass, musician is my other hobby)
  8. Definitly a monitipora digitata (probably red if I'm judging my flash discoloration correctly)... Defintly SPS... you can glue them to other rocks or even if you can get them kinda secure on the original piece they will eventually fuse back into 1 colony... You can take some of the smaller pieces (frags) and put them onto disks or small pieces of rubble rock and voila you have frags for trade/sale. Dave
  9. I think the arrow crab is probably not long for this world, as would be many snails and eventually seahorses if you tried them. Stomatopods like these are best held in species only tanks (refugiums are fine as long as you don't want other critters in there). Dave
  10. Here are a couple of pics for you: My current one: (formatted wide screen) Another couple iamges I like (if you wnat I can get you in widescreen format:
  11. Jan, have you read this post: http://www.wamas.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=10868 and this one: http://www.wamas.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=15185 Dave
  12. Please only 1 entry per person... plus we need the info to make it "legit" (see first post). Dave
  13. dhoch


    DANGER DANGER DANGER WILL ROBINSON! Don't do large changes to your system without really understanding what you are doing!!! Bioballs are REALLY REALLY GOOD at removing amonia and nitrites (they are a great area for the bacteria that do this process to grow)...Removing them ALL at once will also remove all that beneficial bacteria... for a tank that is stocked this can have a VERY detrimental affect. That being said removing the bio-balls is a good thing, but it should be done slowly over a period of time so as to not upset the eco-system too much. Alowing the bacteria to compensate by growing other places in the tank. Dave
  14. Name, BBName: David Hochheiser (dhoch) Location: My tank Camera Used: Nikon D70 (with Tamron 90mm Macro) Subject: Candy Cane up close
  15. Split it around the disc and have two frags.
  16. Right here in this topic. Dave
  17. So here is a photo contest for July (remember winner to get some free raffle tickets at next meeting). Subject: LPS corals All images must be accomponied by the following information to be included in the voting: Submitters: Name, BBName Location: where it's taken (who's tank, ocean, etc) Camera Used: (if not available please say unknown) Subject: (what title/picture name/picture of) Entires must be submitted by the 27th of July to allow us time to vote. Dave
  18. Copperbands can be very finicky and in a situation where they are being harassed not fair very well. I would recommend removing and getting rid of the copper band unless things settle down quickly. Dave
  19. I'm confused because I don't see it making sense to me. As long as the air gap is towards teh top of the syringe you are only measuring the distance the plunger moves = only liquid coming out = air bubble doesn't make a difference (you are not measuring how far the liquid move, but how far the plunger moves. Dave PS my newest Alk testkit from Salifert has a different plunger that is much easier to read.
  20. Bob... If it's RTN it happens VERY VERY QUICKLY... even though you are definitly seeing tissue necrosis I doubt it's RTN. I've been watching a little experiment of my own... typically I frag early... this time I'm watching it (where a birdsnest got stung by an LPS)... Dave
  21. ALK is higher than I like to run it. Also are you monitoring your pH over time? What's the ph change from right before ATO to right after ATO finishes? (this is going to be a big issue). Dave
  22. Not clear if there are reflectors for each bulb... I would at least ask that question. Dave
  23. Not inquistion, just a question. I do have a PC light... 36" if you want... LMK. Dave
  24. I'm confused it's an elementary school tank? Is it currently setup at the school or is it going to be moved there later? Dae
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