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Everything posted by rocko918

  1. Woah woah, lets not go crazy here, I think it was only offered once. Mad props to Jason for that. Also just a thought, might be awesome for wamas members but it kills our LFS.
  2. the 2 part epoxy works well. Just dont use the whole thing or it will make your skimmer go crazy http://www.theaquariumsolution.com/aquascape-construction-epoxy-slate-grey-colour
  3. Drill it. Simple task. I drilled 6 holes in the back of my 210 6 years ago. No silly power heads in my tank. go to youtube and you can see several different ways to do it. Get a cheap used tank and practice a few holes.
  4. I am at 75% right now. Will have to increase it more. The one thing that i had to change was the ramp up period during the day. It took way to long to get to the 75% and then it was only at that point for an hour. So i have moved the graph to ramp up faster and stay at that point longer. I will increase the time that they are at 75%. See if that helps. Might jump up top 80%
  5. Dont get me wrong my tank still looks good and somethings are growing really well. Iphone video i just shot
  6. I hope so. its been around that amount of time already.
  7. no, I am happy with it right now. Just won't drop a lot of money on SPS anymore as they don't grow very well for me anymore.
  8. I don't think i will switch back. I will be thinking about what i put in the tank. Less high priced slow growing sps. Still trying to find the right place for my zoa/palys. Although i would rather just let things be.
  9. Update: So after 5 months i think i have dialed in the Radions to the color i like. The colors look cool, but i have noticed a significate drop off in growth. My sps are not growing like they did under MH's. Most of them kept their colors. My Sunset monti is sort brownish, not the bright Orange and green polyps. The biggest issue i see if my palys and zoa's on the bottom of the tank are really stretching towards the light. I was under the impression that LEDs would penatrate deeper. So i have incresed the intensity of the lights to around 70% at peak. I will have to increase that even more as they are still streching. My system is the same, i only swapped out the lights.
  10. Nice idea. I like it. Yes corals need flow but i think you can get away with it for a few weeks to observe. You can cut back the lighting by putting some egg crate on top or a screen. Also it would be cool to put a piece of egg crate on the bottom so you can stand that frag up.
  11. Good way to check with the nake eye is when the lights are off, grab a flashlight and look at the bases of the Acros. You should see bite marks and sometime flatworms. Once you see them you will know. Easy solution is to toss all your acros. Thats what i did. I know i tossed some huge colonys. Only way to know for sure is to be without acros.
  12. You guys should shoot in RAW mode. Much better quality and ditch the Auto mode on the camera. Shoot in AV mode. Dont forget to turn off all pumps and wait 5 to 10 mins to let the water settle. You will get cleaner pics. Also use the 2 sec delay shutter release mode. Shoot straight on, not at an angle.
  13. Roberts oxygen in manassas. On your way home.
  14. Mine is pretty small still. On a frag disk, it does have a cool mix of the green and red
  15. All my grafted encrusting montis didnt work. One has always over grown the other. I do have a frag of that plating monti from WWC pictured in the article. It is doing well and looks very cool. But all the ones i have done have not worked out.
  16. Leave your tank alone. It will do better with out your hands in the tank. Keep It Simple Stupid. Avoid too much hands on and let your system roll.
  17. Are you still using all 4 filter socks? Could they be a factory for you? I wonder if removing them will help? or reduce the amount?
  18. its a personal preference. do what ever you think looks better for you. They are all successful options.
  19. Sorry to hear that steve, it does suck. Also to add to this, even if you do dip it does not mean you will kill everything. I got AEFW a year ago even after dipping. Take the extra time to inspect and break sps off plugs and mount on your own. I bought one of thoughs jeweler glasses and take a look before i add anything to my tank. Although i don't add corals very often anymore.
  20. Yes threw them in the trash. It was a losing battle. Only way I was sure to get rid of aefw is to rid Ur self of the corals.
  21. I trashed all acros and many other corals.
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