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Everything posted by rocko918

  1. I like them. They are sweet. I don't like how I have to hook up my laptop via USB to make any changes. Seems pretty stupid to have to do that when they can talk to each other wirelessly. The flexibility in the controls is sweet, but want an app!
  2. I am going to use this as my Video Log. Will post some videos of the progression of my tank. 2011 With MH's 2012 With Mh's
  3. I think you all need to get off your high horse, you were once a newbie. If you don't like the question then don't click on it.
  4. +1 I have them under a simple flood light for about 8 hours. They have grown way past 6 leaves and in there since 2008. I even have branches.
  5. How did you get yours? Did they contact you?
  6. I signed up for the beta program, I have not hear anything yet. Seems like a neat litle device.
  7. i have deltec 801, best darn skimmer i have ever owned. Been running non stop since 2008. Solid as a rock. Don't listen to zygote. replaced the impeller this week for the first time. easy setup, don't need to mess with it ever.
  8. looks like you just dropped the rocks in there without looking.
  9. You can put me on the list of tanks to visit if there are people that want to come out this way. Bristow, Gainesville, Manassas.
  10. yea, you have to accept one of those then skip the next. Really doesn't do much other then let everyone know you like Ecotech.
  11. Go vote for my photo on the Ecotech Facebook page! Its the photo of my Green Mandrian. https://www.facebook.com/EcoTechMarine?sk=app_451684954848385&app_data=view-vote%2Cfor-1048711
  12. I am not sure about the monti, Would think it was too much but the mystic and sunset are closer and right under it doing just fine.
  13. Yes i have been following that thread as well. Got some good ideas from it. You know the corals that are effected are not right under the leds. superman was close to the top but behind the light back against the glass.
  14. Some of you know already but most don't. I have ran a very successful tank with 3 250w Mh's since 2008. I rarely had any problems with growing corals or getting them to color up nicely. It was time to replace the bulbs, so instead of spending 300 bucks on new blubs i made the decision to make the switch. I have been watching, reading and forming my own opinion. I am a fan of those big companys that spend a lot of time and money into research and development. So I decided to go with 3 Ecotech Radions. I got a great deal on Gen1 with the TIR lens. Brand new, never used. So i started with replacing the middle HM with one of the radions. After a month of use, tweaking the graph, getting used to the light i added the other 2. So far i have had to move my superman monti out of the main tank, the rainbow monti keeps receeding and my tyree undata has lost color. Other than that everything has stayed the same. I have noticed my palys seem to be streching for more light on the bottom of the tank. I am still tweeking and increased the intensity a bit. Still looking for that sweet spot. For me its hard to tell if I have enough light or too much. Based on the palys streching for light i don't think i have enough. At peak the intensity only gets up to 70% and i think its only at that for an hour. Welcome your comments. Also now need to relearn how to shoot pictures under LED's. Here is a quick video of the setup shot almost a month ago.
  15. Thanks to everyone who I bought from and traded with me. Everything is in Coral quarantine! Good news is I dipped everything and nothing crazy came off.
  16. if your 156 has been up for 5 years there is no need to add pods. it will pick on things you cant see. If you see its stomach getting concave then you might have to do something.
  17. nooooooooooooooooooooooo, that sucks man. what ever you need just ask me. sorry.
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