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Everything posted by swimmatte

  1. The fact that it does away when you hit it really sounds like something is loose.
  2. Any chance you (or someone else) can provide names for these amazing pieces?
  3. Good idea. I plan on emptying half the tank so that should give me water to set up in case I run into a problem.
  4. I think he decided to make them all free.....
  5. One day I WILL have a tank like this. Amazing.
  6. That's what I was thinking about doing but I won't be able to get a drill (even my shorter Dewalt Hammer Drill) in until I remove the shelf. Maybe I could put something temporary underneath the shelf prior to removal.
  7. I have yet another questions regarding my changeover to running a sump. I have the Marineland 56g column with Marineland Stand seen here: http://www.marineland.com/Products/aquarium-fish-tank-stands-canopies/simple-modern-aquarium-stand-furniture.aspx Does anyone know if the shelf provides any structural support in these stands? To use the sump I plan on using it would need to be removed.
  8. Let us know if you need to do a "mock opening" with WAMAS members as your beta testers
  9. Ok well I feel better about it now. I just kept envisioning the tank cracking, spilling fish, water, and coral everywhere. It sounds like as long as I take it easy and slowly, everything will be fine. The overflow that I'm ordering from glass-holes.com comes with a bit so I should be good to go.
  10. Has anyone here done it? I have someone experienced willing to help but was interested in hearing how this went for others. Also, based on some google searches I'm fairly confident that my Marineland 56 gallon does not have tempered glass on the walls. Can anyone confirm?
  11. Yep. Still there. Store did move to the basement.
  12. Did they have the Parrot that greets every visitor with "Hello" back then?
  13. Disclaimer: It took a while to get help. But the boss wasn't there. There was a younger guy that seemed to be the one that knew what was going on.
  14. Stopped in there today and boy did they have great pricing on fish. I'd say prices for half the price of the other MoCo LFS (Congressional and Aquarium One). Also, I overheard the guy working there telling a customer that he didn't have the proper tank to buy a Morish Idol or Copperband. It's really a rarity these days for this to happen, but very respectable. Corals weren't great, but oh well, I don't really buy corals from the MoCo places. If you need fish, I recommend giving them a call to see if they have what you need.
  15. The build/tank part was amazing. I was just VERY surprised and confused by the end.
  16. Yeah, I guess I'd describe it more like that. Kinda cool. Once I get a decent camera I think it would make a cool picture with the color contrast.
  17. The foxface is probably 4" nose to tail. The Xenia colony is fairly large. He actually doesn't stay in it too long as he only sits in it for about 30 seconds.
  18. Man, I feel for the yellow tang that the elephant got it's hands on.........
  19. Need to change my order if possible. 2 x Blue 2 x Pink 2 x Yellow/Gold Please confirm change. Thanks!
  20. Do they look like this in person? http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8378/8562999463_bb5673b4ea_c.jpg
  21. Ouch. What are your hours? I'm going to be up your way by the end of the week.
  22. After those pics I'm sure you can at least step it up and add some real meat to that ramen
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