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Everything posted by Fazio92

  1. Thanks everyone! You may miss SPS, but now you can have a huge tank filled with angels, eels, triggers, wrasse, tusks....and this awesome list goes on -Anthony
  2. Here's what mine looks like from outside. All I did was use 1/2" RO tubing, run from the skimmer to the fitting outside (see below) just to ensure I didn't restrict any airflow, since its run ~30ft. Here are pics from outside the house. The white piece is just a 1/2" JohnGuest fitting/threaded coupling. The black circle is just a sealant to ensure I didn't create an entryway for water, bugs, etc..
  3. I'll take a pic when I get home, hard to really explain it...
  4. I made a pvc screw cap, bored out the cap portion which allows for a piece of mesh to filter. I can unscrew the cap, remove the mesh and clean as necessary (every few months...)
  5. You can do that for any sized system. My intake runs about 30ft until it finally hits an outside wall and goes outside. Its really simple too and can be inconspicuous with clear tubing...
  6. I run my air intakes outside fire two reasons...1-increase pH (since there is more CO2 in my house than outside) 2- silences the intake completely. -Anthony
  7. A little blurry, but it's a cell pic of the far right side structure -Anthony
  8. I think you're right. That would look pretty cool with a school of them
  9. Thanks! I would move the chalices, but they are covering a 12"+ base rock. I'm just going to let some of the surrounding SPS create overhead shade as they grow out, which several are already starting to do. Where they are being shaded by other SPS, the colors are just awesome!
  10. I am leaning towards both of those actually and just using the auto feeder I already have on the tank. Thanks! I got it from a local sawmill. -Anthony
  11. A combo of both... Outsides are lumatech's, left with 20k plus rite, right with radium. The center is a coralvue with 20k plus rite. I want to switch all to coralvue's like I had before with either reeflux's or radium's...
  12. Thanks Ryan! Yeah, everything is starting to color back up now since the 1ft light drop. I definitely agree with the schooling fish -Anthony
  13. Oh wow, I didn't know your office was so close, I could actually walk there . Thanks for the offer! -Anthony
  14. Hey Everyone, I have a circuit board from a Solaris fixture that had gotten a little corroded by salt, where two resistor bridge connections (soder points) have rusted thru. Everything has been cleaned with vinegar etc. to remove salt and corrosion, and has been retested to find that everything is in working order except for one sting of LEDs that are on the circuit with the broken soder points. The actual points where the resistor connections are lost are at the bridge connections, from the resistors to the board itself. Can I just bridge it with a little soder or do I need to replace the resistors as well? The only reason why I haven't tested with re-bridging by re-sodering is because of the small scale and how little soder I will need to use. I just dont want a ton to runoff onto the baord and make the situation worse. If someone is an electrical/computer engineer and wouldn't mind taking a look that would be greatly appreciated. I think it’s a quick fix, just need conformation. I tried taking pics this morning but they didn’t come out, so I will try when I get home. Thanks, -Anthony
  15. Took these few weeks ago just forgot to post them. My brother-in-law took these with his camera while they were over on the east coast and turned out really nice. The wellso looks great though!
  16. I really need to figure out how to use this camera though, I feel like my cell takes pics just as good.... Plus these pics aren't coming out clear, kind of hazy/gritty, nothing to what it actually looks like
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