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Everything posted by MBVette

  1. So I picked up a pair of rhomboid wrasses recently. The first day both took a trip to the sump, one of them died. The second day the one went to the sump twice and jumped out of the tank once (when I was putting him back in the display he jumped out before I got the screen on) and now this morning she is back in the sump again. I have never had any fish do this, where they constantly are going into the overflow and down the stand pipes and am at a complete loss. I leave today for vacation so I wont be able to keep checking her and moving her to the display. Should I just leave her in the sump for a week while I am gone? Im at a bit of a loss here. Thanks!
  2. I learned the hard way last time a real derecho came through. I now have everything on surge protectors and have 2 ecotech backups daisy chained to one of my MP40's. In theory I can go about 72 hours with one of the MP40's running.
  3. or could be green coraliine. Does it wipe off easily?
  4. pretty sure this should be in vendor experience.
  5. So it looks like the morning rain is going to get broken up by the mountains, so we are good for now. Maybe the mountains can catch the afternoon ones also.
  6. He announced that a few weeks ago. The commerce building is kicking them out.
  7. Im not sure you want/can patch a hole perfectly like that. Why not just use a bulkhead and cap off the pvc
  8. I have all the wires run through c-hooks all the way over until it gets to where the apex is and the power strips. No water is right around the power strips and they all have drip loops on them. And last time was just due to me not using a surge protector. Nothing is plugged directly into the wall now b/c of that either.
  9. So its been quite awhile since I have any type of update on the tank. Well it has stabelized out and it has been running w/o issue for the last couple months. Now the corraline is taking off and the one piece of sps I have has suddenly started to encrust pretty quickly. I am running carbon and GFO in reactors and have a kalk reactor running as well. The fish I currently have: Yellow Tang Purple Tang Hippo Tang Pair of Swallowtail Angels Foxface Exquisite Wrasse Solon Wrasse Lubbocks Wrasse Pair of Rhomboid Wrasse Pair of Ocellarus Clowns Diamond Goby Pink Spotted watchman & tiger pistol Some skunk and fire cleaner shimp Here are a few pics of the tank currently
  10. a rimless tank is not the place for wrasses you are correct there. Im having a hard time coming up with nice show piece fish that wont jump out of a rimless tank and are open swimmers. I would really have to go towards the dwarf angels, but you dont want to risk those. Maybe a small tang like a tomini? Wrasses and dottybacks will jump at some point. Gobies are not open swimmers. heniochus have the same possibility of nipping corals as the dwarf angels do. So its a tough choice for you.
  11. a pair of flasher wrasses maybe, carpenter wrasses can be kept in a smaller tank. Maybe a pair/trio of smaller anthias. Blue reef chromis, I have a bunch of pajama cardinals in my reef tank that are always out in the open. They hover more than swim, but its pretty cool and different than most fish.
  12. After a week and a half I got him to eat for the first time. I had been trying fresh shrimp and frozen lance fish I have. He looked at watched everything but refused to eat. So the shop had some Jan's carnivore blend and I decided it was a shot in the dark but to try it before I got some love food. And I overfed just so he really saw it. But he took a good look at it for 30 seconds and then ate a pretty good amount. I'm so excited that he ate tonight, I was starting to get worried.
  13. Did you check all around your tank to see if he jumped?
  14. yeah he is definitly going to wind up getting to big for this tank and I will have to rehome him at some point. I knew that going into this
  15. So I got him into the tank last night and he was very active, swimming all around. I dropped some table shrimp into the tank for him and the tusk. he hunted it a bit, but didnt take it. But I was really pleased to see him hunting, I will try again on a feeding stick. But knowing that lions can go a long time w/o eating Im not worried and think he will transition to frozen foods easily. Here are some crappy pics from last night Right when I put him into the tank After a few minutes he settled down and came right out
  16. Yeah well Kim you are a bad influence; I had all intentions of waiting. lol He is about 3" nose to tail and maybe a bit more than that across his fins.
  17. Nah, I was lazy and didnt take any pictures or document anything with this thread. Just plugged it in and have let it go. I will get something up about the tank soon
  18. I have a small hippo in my 220 and he is doing fine now for a couple months. I think he would be fine in the 90
  19. Just got my volitan lionfish in for my fowlr. Cant wait to get him home and into the tank later.
  20. please dont put even the smallest of tangs in a 20g tank, thats to small for them.
  21. Where in Woodbridge. I have a hockey game out there tonight so I can get there early if you still need a hand
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