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Everything posted by Smoothtriqueter

  1. So I made it out to Mr. Coral for the Black Friday sale. I made sure I was there early because I had seen what it was like for the 1 yr party, I wanted fish this time! I got there 10min before 11, still a little late #15 in line (GF #18). I ended up with everything (almost) that I went in to get, and even 2 free duncan for being two of the first 25. However I left with my 2nd choice on one fish and wasn't even able to get one that I really wanted. Because of #1, anyone there knows what I am talking about! (2 nasso , a desjardini red sea sailfin , 2 hippos, 2 big angels, 3-4 different wrasses, and a few others) I will not let this one "bad apple" at the sale detour from going back out to shop there. I obviously made the trip back out there after the last one. I did however see a bunch of unhappy people and even people leave because this one customer took up all of the time and stock. Other people wanting corals and inverts were left on the side even. Sonny has already stated that this was a learning experience, in fact it seems as the last 2 have been so it makes me even more excited to have the opportunity to see what he can do for us on the next one. Beyond #1 , The staff was amazing, Sonny hooked me up with some great deals on top of what was already going on. They even appeased my GF and put back a fish we picked out for another and reached under the eggcreat to pull out the duncan frags she wanted and HAD to have! We left with a juvenile hippo, juvenile sailfin (I hope desjardinii I couldn't tell), great looking 6 line, fire shrimp, bag full of snails, and bunch of frags. The two tangs showed a few signs of ick (I didn't expect perfect QT fish with the sale and last min additions) both have been eating bits of cheato, nori, and marine 2. Spots on the fins have noticeably dissipated overnight. The 6 line has been weaving in and out running away from my yellow tail all night but oh well until I can catch the son of a gun and give it away! To finish I would like to put out a huge thank you to Sonny and the crew at Mr. Coral! I know, and saw that you all worked hard for us, and were even discussing the problems and possible solutions to the sale before the day, not even the weekend, was over. I will be back and look forward to working with you in this hobby in the future! PS: There were still 5 or so hippo's when I left a little after 1 O'clock, and plenty of GREAT fish for 20$. They had 2 seahorses, first time they have carried them, a few snowflake eels I could see, 3 or so sailfins, 2 lions, the list goes on for what was left! Thanks Again Sonny
  2. That's great, I have a a fish in my FW tank that will jump out of the water when you hold your hand over the tank to get food!
  3. i don't think the straight down approach would work, you need to have the slice to make the nice clean cut! might end up just smashing a line in it!
  4. mag-float (glass) i have had one for almost 3 years now. I just used it for a frag rack and I'm getting a new one!
  5. Nice link. I can't wait to try on some of mine. when they grow up!
  6. Pest, can get out of control if you don't manage them and they will sting. JJ (Ive killed 3 of 7 with this, the rest have lived through 5 applications) or aptasia x should work.....or cover them with a small rock, they will climb on top to get to the light than just take the small rock out. Welcome to WAMAS, and nice tank.
  7. Welcome to WAMAS.......just wait till you get hooked on the forum, she will never stop!
  8. I have read so many of your post pushing for no need for skimmers, and natural filtration being the way to go. I have to say that while I was just using a skimmer and not growing any macro that it was not sufficient. Now that I have a fuge up and running I have seen my nitrates go from 20-40ppm to 0 now. I cant even keep xenia alive in my display. I have wondered if I can take mine off but still have to empty it weekly so haven't tried yet. I also don't believe it is big enough as I have a 15g sump and a 65g display! It is definitely something to consider in the future!
  9. My zoos hated it......don't think anems get along with anything! my clowns dont even like mine yet
  10. sounds like typical blue leg behavior to mee......I hate them
  11. sorry, just keep an eye and keep feeding! hope all turn out well!
  12. My second thought was some kind of bacterial infection, has the tang been in any fights lately?
  13. Not real sure, looks like it could be ich, do you have a UV? and keep feeding!
  14. Yeah both of those I just posted were from saturday at Mr. Coral. The first one on the square plug was even in the 10$ section, come to think of it I think i got both for 10$. So 5$ a piece.
  15. Coming along nicely, I really like the overflow idea, might have to steal it. Can't wait to see how it all turns out
  16. If and when I have it all set up I will let your daughter be the first (after me )
  17. Elegance just stopped being happy..... Started spitting back out food and slowly has been falling apart to what you see above. Leishman had gotten one the same day as we did and his is gone already. Frags are on the rack because they were under MH at the store and we have PC's trying to keep them as close to the light for a bit than we will place them. I'll paint it eventually
  18. BAGS!! Inverts (bogo) Frags (bogo) So with that said.....frag rack! Sorry I didn't paint it Jason! Full (Mr. Coral 1 year bash) We call this the clown garden. It is on the side they chose and now they think that we decorated for them. they hang out just over top of the frags like its a front yard garden! Left (acclimating) Right (acclimating) Frag Rack Tour! peekaboo! a few before after. Shroom A few other pics RIP elegance
  19. Got an old bulb with some juice I can try with?
  20. How hard is that going to be, it deff looks doable!
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