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Everything posted by reefmontalvo

  1. I looked those up but until I get a Marine Biologist here or I get my degree in Marine biology I'm not sure. You what they say don't bite the hand that feed you. I was very cautious and respectful I when handling the snail.
  2. Yup that's what I got the articel was pretty neat. I guess this whole time it was eating bristtle worms and anything else it wanted. It has never gone after any of the fish. with my luck I probably jinxed my self and will have residents come up missing.
  3. This is after I sifted in the sand and found him. The snail mainly stay under the sand. I knwo it moves fast becasue after these photos were taken it the period of about 2 minutes or less the snail was gone. And there was no trace in the sand of were it could have gone.
  4. Your baffles are a bit higher than most but it will work for what your tryn to do. I would not worry about the micro bubbles until you get the salinity at the idea range 1.024-1.026.
  5. I tried that way but it was way too confusing since the photos arent there. And I think I will need to get a photo bucket account. But I was able to load them to the my albums section.
  6. Tom, I made the album now how do I post it on the forum? I called it "Possible Cone Snail".
  7. After sifting thru the photos and doing lots of research I did some searching in the tank and found the snail. Now how do I upload the pictures? I know this is silly but I never posted photos on here and when I try to system always has some type of fault.
  8. Well so far I only found the Queen. But I plan on trying to find the guy on my days off. I really have no plans to sell him but crazier things have happen.
  9. I will do more research on seeing if it's an Olive snail. Yeah funny you said that I had a dream the sucker jabbed me. They do expel a harpoon tied to a venom sac. I was checking my finger all night looking for a sore spot. Depends on what you got I got some pretty neet zoas colonies. That are both colorful and rare. Tom, I will try to find him and take a photo. Somethign told me to take its photo the day I was moving him from the old tank. But it is a good size snail about 3.5" in length and about an inch wide.
  10. This past weekend I upgraded from a 75 gallon to a 120 gallon tank. In the process of moving everything over discovered I had some good things and bad things. Got a few frags I'm most likely gonna place for sale but more importantly I came across a snail I remember buying at an establishment here in VA ( Dont ask I will not disclose). Some time back I purchased what I thought were 15 or so nassarius snails, but one of them was really huge and had a different pattern on its shell and the salesman and I thought maybe he was just a good eater since it had the trunk like the other just a shell looking a bit differnet then the rest. Thinking nothing of it I threw it in the 75g tank. I even placed a queen conch in the 75g tank and have had no problems, but I did notice after making the new transfer to a larger 120g tank I only had about 10 large nassarius snails from the 30 or so I have purchased in the past and I saw no signs of the babies they were once roaming around. My thing is after seeing that snail last week and picking it up I did a quick examination and then threw him in the new tank not realizing the snail could have killed me with one sting. I did some research and realized I have what believe is a cone snail in my tank. My question is how would I get him out of the tank with out literally breaking the tank down? O r should I just leave him alone since it has never caused any threat to the fish in the tank?
  11. I know Centreville Aquariums has straight pin PC bulbs.
  12. I keep two 5gallon buckets. The first is equiped with a float valve the other I keep saltwater tumbling with a mag 5 pump. I age my saltwater for about a week and the pump keeps the water warm. I use the 5gallon bucket of RO water as a means of filling the freshwater reserve on the auto top off.
  13. So what is a good TDS number to know when your filter needs changing? For example I have a start of about 123 and an output of 000. It has been this way six months.
  14. If you use and Acrylic scraper on an Acrylic tank and your carefull with what your doing you will be fine. I have done many tanks this way and have taken my time with each one of these tanks. You just do not want to use something that is harder than the Acrylic when scraping.
  15. I just finished setting up my 120 from a 75 and before then I went from a 55 to a 75 with the same process. I would start by placing the sand on the bottom first then start filling the tank with your pre mixed saltwater or freshwater, leave some power heads running in the tank with a heater as to keep the water warm and circulating check the salinity periodically as the tank fills. It
  16. Glad to hear it was good for you. But mine wasn
  17. It also looks like a nice spot of get some SCUBA. I'd opt for a place like that to have a meeting. I'd split the $200 fee to enjoy the day and see that view. Id also split the cost of food and drink to those who are willing to make this happen.
  18. I have yet to try those Phoenix 14k bulbs. Im currently running two 250w 10k bulbs over my 75g. Is there a lot of growth when you go with 14k bulbs?
  19. I recommend the same treatment. Or you could call BRK and ask what they might to in this case.
  20. Welcome to the club and nice Zoa's. I'm an A&P working in IAD.
  21. You also forgot the nice job it does on your back the plain fact it never goes as planned because you
  22. This couldnt have happen overnight. Did you see this comming?
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