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Everything posted by cbashaw

  1. Very nice Chris When is the tank tour?
  2. Oh well it's no big deal I'm just glad I finally it got done. Hopefully this will be the end of my flow problems. Glad the zoos are coming back. When are you going to post pics of your new setup?
  3. I would be clear with the person using your image that it is illegal to use other people's photos without permission and it is in violation of copywright laws. Let them know from the start that it is your right to take legal action against them if you choose to. Personally if someone contacted me and asked to use my photo I would be very happy to let them and probably would allow them to use it at no cost or a discount on a purchase from them but when they are making a profit on an item and they're using your picture without your permission to sell it... I would shake them down for free stuff using the fact that you could sue them as leverage. I know it sounds unethical but that's what they're doing with your picture. It probably wouldn't be worth the time and trouble to go after them legally but letting them know that you could if you wanted to will give them a good scare. I would guess that once you contact them lots of pictures on the website will be taken down or changed very quickly because yours is probably not the only one they stole. http://www.copyright.gov/
  4. cbashaw

    Zoos and torch

    From the album: Cbashaw's 110G in wall tank

    My zoos and torch
  5. Thanks I'm hoping to add another shelf to the left side soon
  6. I took a picture of the wall directly under the tank and used it to set the white balance. I can believe I never thought of that before Thanks I think it looks much better than it was before. 143Gadgets tank inspired me to go for the 2 towers look.
  7. After battling with cyano. I determined I did not have enough flow in the tank so I decided to drain the tank and drill for a closed loop with a Pan World 150 PS pump yesterday and I added 25 lbs more of Live rock/reaquascaped the tank. I'm still working on placing corals but I'm planning to put a large SPS or LPS colony on the top of each stack of rocks. All the stuff in this pic will be moved to other places in the tank later today.
  8. Thanks for all the kind words everyone. I'm glad that I'm able to help :-) WAMAS has been very good to me and I feel that everyone here has given me far more than I have given back. This is a great club full of generous people and I'm very happy to be a part of it.
  9. Antonio, I'll take care of it for you. I'm not going out of town for Christmas this year.
  10. cbashaw


    From the album: Cbashaw's 110G in wall tank

    my zoos
  11. You should be able to cut it with a dremel. If you need a 1" bulkhead I have an extra one and I'm only about 2 miles from your work. and I may have some 3/4"ones too.
  12. Here's a pic I found of Nassarius Eggs. Do you have anything that looks like this on the glass anywhere? I don't think they're flat worms but I'm no expert. And Cerith Eggs
  13. I posted my plans on RC How does it look? http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.p...threadid=979305 Return pump Mag 9 or 12 Closed loop Pump Pan World 150PS (1100 GPH)
  14. How is that much flow on your soft and lps corals? I've heard that they are great pumps but I'm afraid it will be too much for a non SPS tank.
  15. Check out the thread on RC for the Mesh Wheel mod. People have been saying lots of good stuff about it.
  16. I want to set up a closed loop in my 110G tank but am not sure what size and brand pump to get. the tank is viewable from the front and right side so I have the option of drilling the back and the left side. Here's my plan: I am using a mag 12 for my return pump and plan to keep it unless someone gives a good reason not to. I want to drill the output hole in the left side of the tank and an intake on the right side of the back of the tank. How high up should I put these holes? What size bulkheads should I put in? Is the placement of the intake and output holes ok? I want to use an external pump. What brand/gph pump should I want to use? I am mostly interested in keeping Leathers and LPS so I want the flow to be too much for them but I also want to get all of the power heads out of the tank if possible.
  17. mine slowed down growing as well at one time so I replaced the bulb an it started growing again. I have some cheato for you. Come by I'm doing my tank tour today. http://www.wamas.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=10625
  18. We have finally got a tank tour planned for the Gaithersburg/Germantown area on Nov 5th Poggipj, Seantadez, Eve, and myself will be showing our tanks. If anyone else would like to jump in on the feel free to post your info.
  19. All I have to say is don't fall asleep in the car on the way back from Atlantis
  20. You don't need anymore zoas. You have too many leave some for the rest of us
  21. Just ask him to have lots of zoos and rics in stock to pick from and I'll be happy.
  22. Eve, If you want to carpool with me down to Charlie's house let me know.
  23. Thanks for the help flowerseller An email letting everyone know would be appreciated. So far here are the members who will be showing their tanks Eve (Oct TOTM) Seantadez PoggiPJ cbashaw
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