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Everything posted by cbashaw

  1. Thanks for now I decided I'm going to order a Tunze but I'll keep an eye out for a vortec later on.
  2. I'm setting up a Biocube 14G and I plan to replace the return pump with a MJ900 but I'm not sure what powerhead to get for additional flow in the tank. I plan on keeping soft coral and LPS. Most importantly it needs to be as quiet as possible quiet because it will be the bedroom.
  3. I had an EV-180 it was a great skimmer, but you have to run a bigger (preferrably a pressure rated pump) pump than the reccomended MAG7 to get anything out of it. I started with a mag 7 then ran a Mag 9.5 and it was better, but when I upgraded to a Pan world 150PS that I teed off for the skimmer and the return the performance increased greatly. The thing I liked most was how quiet it was.
  4. Needle and thread or fishing line works too then tie it to a rock.
  5. if the turkey baster is not long enough stick a piece of rigid airline tubing in the end of it or you can get a kent sea squirt. http://www.marinedepot.com/md_viewItem.asp?idproduct=KM2711
  6. Thanks I just turned it on. It loks pretty good
  7. When I set up my tank I used a Mag 9 on my skimmer and a 12 for my return. I couldn't get my tank temp below 80 at any time of the day. I teed off a Pan World 150PS for my skimmer and return and a Pan World 50PX-X and now my temps never go over 77 even with my 2 250W and 2 110W VHO's on.
  8. Yeah they were all taken with my Nikon D50 with the 50mm lens
  9. Eve, Thanks for having us over yesterday. I'm glad the pictures came out good. It was great meeting a few more members too.
  10. I took some pictures of Eve's tank today. It looks better eveytime I see it. If anyone else took pictures of her tank post them here.
  11. I talked to Charlie a few days ago. He's a very honest guy and I'm sure it's a mistake. He had said He has been working lots of hours lately and is no longer allowed to get on the internet at work. I'll give him a call and let him know you're looking for him.
  12. Check out Nanotuners.com they sell a skimmer made specifically for that tank Sapphire Skimmer
  13. cbashaw

    Kenya Tree

    From the album: Cbashaw's 110G in wall tank

    Kenya tree
  14. I also have a 110G with 2 250W 10K's on CoralVue electronic ballasts and 2 VHO actinics. I'm very happy with it. If you ever want to come by and check it out let me know.
  15. Hey Raf, I'll meet with you at your house. let me know what time.
  16. cbashaw


    From the album: Cbashaw's 110G in wall tank

    Anthelia FS
  17. I found shooting in "A" mode (Aperature Priority) and focusing manually has worked best for me.
  18. I got the lens a few days ago and I finally got a chance to play around with it today. So far I have found the colors are more accurate and I don't need to use Photoshop to adjust the colors like I did with the stock lens.I think with a little more practice it will take some great pictures.
  19. I'll be going from Germantown, MD My car is small (VW GTI) but I can fit 2 more people if anyone doesn't mind squeezing in the back seat.
  20. very nice pic Beatle ... even though it's from a Canon That's the type of shots I'm hoping to get with the 50mm lens
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