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Everything posted by cbashaw

  1. Would anyone in the Gaithersburg, Rockville, Germantown area be interested in doing a tank tour on Nov 5th?
  2. I will be in at Aquarium One tomorrow if you want to come by.
  3. We can do a copper test at Aquarium One in Rockville and I can bring my Phosphate test with me if you let me know when you want to come by. I will be there tomorrow from 4 to 8
  4. Where do we want to meet? It would be nice if we could meet somewhere in MD (Maybe Charlie's house) then drive down to another meeting point in VA for anyone down there who wants to tag along.
  5. From the album: Cbashaw's 110G in wall tank

    Full tank shot under 250W 10K Coral Vue bulbs
  6. From the album: Cbashaw's 110G in wall tank

    Full tank shot under 250W 10K chineese bulbs
  7. This is what Marine Depot says about the pink tail trigger: "General Notes: Better behaved than the Niger Triggerfish, the Melichthys vidua or Pinktail Triggerfish is probably the most desireable for the reef aquarium. Is very shy at first but will become friendlier than many of the other triggers and not become aggressive with age but more tame. It is very hardy and can be kept with peaceful fishes of equal size or larger. It not as likely to re-aquascape your tank as the other triggerfish species often will. Will eat shrimps and other crusteaceans." If I get the trigger or the hogfish I will have to get rid of my coral banded shrimp but I'm not that attached to him anyway. I'm assuming he will be fine with my tangs but do you think he will go after my clowns?
  8. I do like the blue jaw they are nice. I also saw pink tail triggers can be reef safe. Does anyone know much about the yellow candy hogfish? It says you can keep a few of them if they are introdiced simultaneously.
  9. I have extra styrofoam coolers for anyone who wants one just PM me and let me know.
  10. James, Here's a few more. I'll get the originals on a cd for you soon.
  11. Yes It's an ev-180 with a mag 9 I notice the foam collapses whenever I feed and I get some foam during the day but it does most of it's work at night. I have considered getting an ASM but the Aquac is doing the job just fine so I'm in no rush.
  12. Hey James Your tank looks great. Are you doing a tank tour anytime soon? We're hoping to do one some time in November but I have some major house cleaning to do. thanks for the tip. I will try that.
  13. Mine does the same thing. I wouldn't worry about it. I'm not sure why though.
  14. how did it go? Did you guys get anything good?
  15. Great call on the heniochus I think I might do that. Would a group of leopard Wrasses be a good idea? We got on in at Aquarium One yesterday and the colors are amazing. I have read they do best in groups of 3 or more.
  16. I finally got my damsels out of my tank last weekend. Now I'm trying to decide what I should put in in place of them. My tank is a 110G with mostly soft and LPS corals. I have the following fish: Yellow tang Hippo Tang 2 Percula clowns I've considered possibly getting Anthias but it seems that is what everyone is getting lately. I'm hoping to get something less common. Any suggestions on other fish I should think about getting?
  17. Those are great I have some similar ones that I got from DR Mac last November. They grow very slow so slice and dice is the only way to get them to multiply.
  18. Based on the pics your skimmer is probably an EV-150 (Still a great skimmer) The 180 is similar in size but they moved the gate valve higher and to the side. You need to get the proper air intake valve this is probably a large part of yout problem. for now you can take out the second injector and leave it open it will probably work but will make a little whistling noise. Another problem is the way you have the skimmer above the sump. when water drains into the sump it creats a siphon and lowers the water level in the skimmer then it refills and siphons again and again. I had this same problem because my skimmer is mounted on a shelf about a foot above my sump. I put a hole in the top of the drain pipe and stuck some rigid tubing in the hole to prevent siphoning. http://s27.photobucket.com/albums/c172/cwb...start=#imgAnch1 Another common issue with this type of skimmer is that the foam tower will collapse whenever you feed or add any supplements to the tank. If you want to come by and see my setup or want me to take more pics let me know.
  19. I signed up on Seahorse.org and as everyone said this is not a good tank for seahorses so I'm going to put a few small fish and some shrimp in it. ChrisS I'm going to build a stand for it then I'll definately let you know when I'm ready for those Macros. Thanks, Chris
  20. Since your tank is empty you should rethink your plans to not have a sump. If it were me I would Drill the tank and put a 20L tank as a sump under the stand. It will not cost that much to do and you will have less equipment cluttering your tank. As you get more advanced in this hobby you will probably want to add monitors, controllers, and several other things to your tank and you wouldn't want to see all those hoses, probes, and wires in your display.
  21. Looks like I can't go :-( but I plan to meet with everyone in Rockville before they go so I can get those mushrooms to Steve and some other trades that I am working out.
  22. I'm using a MAG 12 for my return pump and it's connected to a scwd. I would use the return as a drain to allow you to have more flow. Your temp is fine I keep mine at 80 with no problems and I know a few people here who go as high up as 83 A small clip on fan over your sump should be enough to drop your temp 1 or 2 degrees if you need to.
  23. If you are going to have a sump I would go with an ASM skimmer they're great skimmers for the money.
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