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Everything posted by jnguyen4007

  1. Back in the beginning when I first got into the hobby and did the 2 part method. I noticed that each time I add a bit of CA and alk into the sump, the pH meter would spke through the roof for about an hour or two before it settled down again. Does anyone else who uses two part method notice the same thing?
  2. John, The mag 5 is perfectly suitable for a 30 gal tank. I used it in mine for awhile before I switched to the Eheim.
  3. Bulk Reef Supply carry both. What's the difference?
  4. +1 I'm using that in my tank. It's super quiet and do not generate as much heat as my mag 5 or mag 9.
  5. If you want a good and reliable controller but don't necessarily want the latest thing, consider getting a used ACIII. There are more than enough people on WAMAS who can help you with it, including Johnny from BRK.
  6. Apex is also easier to set up and configure. It also has a much larger screen than the ACIII or ACIII Pro. Had the Apex released couple of years earlier, I would have bought that one instead of the ACIII.
  7. Your question started off with testing water quality then into controller such as ACIII. Basic test kits that you need to have on hand: 1. Ammonia test kit 2. Nitrite test kit 3. Nitrate test kit 4. pH test kit Test kits that are necessary for salt water 1. Calcium test kit 2. Magnesium test kit 3. Alk test kit I personally feel that a good controller is an investment in the hobby. Controller like the ACIII and Apex can monitor and help you maintain your tank's temp, monitor your tank's pH level, controls the lights, fans, etc. What it doesn't do is check your tank's ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, etc level. The last thing that you need to have is an ATO (Auto Top Off). As your tank's water evaporate and it will, the ATO can keep your tank's water level constant, and thus less fluctuation in the salinity, etc. You can ofcourse not have an ATO but that would require you to manually refill your sump througout the day but that gets old and frustrating very quickly.
  8. Do you keep your water circulated as well during storage?
  9. Does anyone know how long the salt water that we mix is good for if we don't use it all up after mixing it?
  10. I apologize for your account being overlooked. We are currently working on automating the processes so that we can keep something like this from happening again. Dave had already updated your membership status and I verified that your membership renewal was made through paypal. Thanks for letting us know. James
  11. I didn't think payment were supposed to be sent there. If that was where you sent it, then our club vp or Pres will have to take a look and forward the check and information to Dave and I. I will PM you as soon as I know more. James
  12. I did not realize there were 2. The old one was supposed to be removed. The payment should go to the 8009 Duck Pond Terrace address. I'll let the admin know so they can remove the old address. James
  13. Rob, I updated your status back to membership status. Dave and I are trying to update the members status the best we can until we can get the situation under control. James
  14. The Manassas address is the new address for all payments until our Membership director comes back on board.
  15. Ha, I just pm Dave and include you in the PM. With the volume of messages we get, it wouldn't surprise me if it got missed. Not an excuse, just an understanding. James
  16. Everyone on WAMAS, members or not, should never be afraid to express the opinions or concerns as long as it's not a threat, degrade or defame anyone.
  17. Johnny is truly a great guy. He also helped me out couple of years ago with my ACIII.
  18. This thread should really go back to between Gurnie, the buyer, and Tom, the seller. The rest of the comments are just fluffs. If nothing more can be said to make Gurnie feels more comfortable with the water quality, and if Tom doesn't know what else he can say or do remedy it, then this thread should closed and move on.
  19. I'd be interested in knowing if we can rent those separately as well.
  20. So does all this mean that it is best to add magnesium separately from the kalk stirrer?
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