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Should I move one of my powerheads?


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When I put this toadstool in the tank it was only about 2" across, and obviously has grown a lot.   Now it seems to be in the flow of the MP40 next to it and it is not a big fan.  Though this pic has him closed up more than normal, he normally has that side pulled in a bit to protect from the flow.  Should I move the powerhead, or just leave it be and he will grow around the flow?

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Move the pump or move the leather to where it's happier. It's going to get a lot larger. You'll be ready to frag that baby by the time FragFest rolls around.

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I like where the leather is since it will never bother any other corals over there. So guess I will be trying to find a new spot for the power head.

Right now I have no plans kf fragging it, but who knows by frag Fest it might be getting to big. But I am going to frag that sinularia probably for the meeting since it's now bothering my clam up there.

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I've got a neon green, long polyped toadstool like that (in my frag tank) which started out as a 1 inch frag from a friend about 3 years ago. I kind of ignore it, but if I were to unfold it like a pizza (it's got lots of folds in it now, it's probably 100 square inches today. As it grows, it grows faster, putting on more tissue, faster. Fragging it is a matter of slicing off a ring around the periphery to reduce the size, and cutting the outer ring up into smaller pieces.

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Just moved it, not much space for me to move the powerhead on that side.  B/c if I moved it up the clam closed right up and was to much flow on that.  If I moved if back, I would have to go all the way to the back wall b/c of the rock structure.  So its now almost against the front glass. which I dont think is great either but I guess it will have to do.  Plus I found on the backside of the MP40 a snail egg bonanza.  There are eggs on top of old eggs, its crazy.  So I just pissed off my snail population, lol.


So what do people do for flow in the tank when things start really growing?  Do you just deal with it and have some dead spots, or do I look at adding another MP40 to cover the now dead spot behind the rock structure?

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Yeah, I figured that's why you would put the clams so high. I try make it part of my water change schedule to just go ahead and blow off the areas that don't get a lot of flow, although another power head would certainly fix that.

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Had clams in the sandbed and they die.  But these 2 clams I have had for over a year now and are doing great, so they must like where they are.  And I have those Vega's on 100% and zoas at the bottom reach up for light.

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