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Tank Cycled in 8 days?

Tracy G

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So I just tested my tank tonight and I have 8.4ph, 0ppm ammonia, 0ppm nitrite, and 0ppm Nitrate. Is it possible my tank cycled already? I have about 35-40 lbs of live rock I moved from my frag tank and had bio pellets running that I moved from my frag tank. Thoughts? Is it safe to move corals from my frag?

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I used MicroBacter7, and I even placed some fish food in with nothing to eat. I also have a 8 gallon nano with a skimmer that I put the skimate in the this tank.

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If you put in live rock from an already established tank, it won't go through a cycle. It will cycle a new tank almost immediately.
yeah the rock went from a frag tank 30 feet away that has been running for a year.
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It's absolutely possible. I've had tanks go through a soft cycle (3-7 days), 3 month cycle and no cycle when transferring from an already established system to a new one.

Edited by Jans Natural Reef Foods
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Well I put some extra food in tonight (happy pods and bristle worms) and I will test again in the afternoon. If its still at 0s I guess it's safe lol. Will just add slowly

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Cycling is the process of building a base of nitrifying bacteria to process waste products. Liverock that has already been established is already full of the nitrifying bacteria, so when you put the rock in the new water, the bacteria goes to the new water also. Hence, no need to wait for something you already have.

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If you put in live rock from an already established tank, it won't go through a cycle. It will cycle a new tank almost immediately.

+1. Your biological filtration was already well developed. (When I started my first tank, I used established live rock and about 25% established live sand. The tank was ready within 10 days (there was a little initial die off on the rock that I let pass).

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Pardon me for my misinformed information! I hope my tank cycles as quick!

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