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Yellow Eye Kole question


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Bought him about a week ago... He was really shy the first couple of days, but has since come out to the open and is really a beautiful fish. The only thing that has me baffled is that he wont eat anything I put in the tank. I feed frozen Mysis and krill, and flakes... oh and he wont touch the seaweed clip either. He is however looking very healthy, roaming around the tank and nipping at all the live rock constantly, he tries to eat the hair algae too, but some of it proves to be too hard to pull off. So my question is, is he getting enough nutrition by pecking at the rocks all day? Or am I supposed to be feeding something else?

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  • 2 weeks later...

update on this guy... He is still not eating anything I put in the tank. Even with Jan's Natural Reef Blend, he goes nuts when I put it in and starts swimming around like a crazy basta'd but I dont actually see any food go into his mouth. I guess he's getting food from his grazing or he'd be dead by now. and for the record I've tried feeding with the pumps off, pumps on... I put flakes at the top to get the clowns out of the way and nuthin. Tried the seaweed on the rock with rubberband and he could care less. Ah well, I am going to add a brown tang soon, maybe he'll show him the ropes...

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Agreed. He needs to start eating, unless you have a LOT of algae in your tank. Koles are bristletooth tangs and spend a lot of time grazing but he will almost certainly need some supplemental feedings. Try some live food. Also make sure you have Jan's herbivore blend. I wouldn't add another fish until this one is doing well.

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^I've had mostly very good experiences with kole tangs.


Rob, you've acclimated a ton of fish to captivity and have a ton of expertise on that front, what advice do you have on that account?


Though, I've never had one take nori that wasn't in tiny pieces floating in the water (i.e., not from a clip) before... I agree, though, that it's not normal that he isn't taking food...


Most fish cannot turn down live brine, you could always try that.

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^I've had mostly very good experiences with kole tangs.


Rob, you've acclimated a ton of fish to captivity and have a ton of expertise on that front, what advice do you have on that account?


Though, I've never had one take nori that wasn't in tiny pieces floating in the water (i.e., not from a clip) before... I agree, though, that it's not normal that he isn't taking food...


Most fish cannot turn down live brine, you could always try that.

Kole, Chevron, Clown tangs fall into the category of "they don't do well in captivity as a general rule" and I have shied away from them. The big Clown Tang that was "eating at the wholesaler" didn't and actually starved to death. Smaller specimens tend to live longer than the adults but the sheer odds of them surviving makes them less than ideal.

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I even tried some of Jans food with the Clown and he wouldn't touch it. Many of these fish don't know what artificial food looks like. They almost need to live in an environment with ever present turf algae to survive.

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Ya I feed Jan's Reef Blend. It sends the Kole Eye into a feeding frenzy but just keeps swimming up and down. I think the only thing that is keeping this guy alive is the unusal amounts of liverock and algae that are in my tank, I'm the wierdo that built the "reef cave" out of foam rock walls... I think I might have to go with Zygote2k on this one, he is just not aclimating to captive life. This marks the first fish from LA that is a dud for me.

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Don't give up, take a piece of the algae sheet and put it in the tank and slowly rub it between your fingers. Also make sure its of the red or green variety.


I have had success with the algae floating in the water column with tangs that won't pick at the sheet.

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i have a kole yellow eye tang in QT now. almost everything you describe i have experienced. when i feed, he swims around in a fury with lots of energy. this is week three in QT for him and i've only seen him eat once. but i had tried the seaweed on a clip and on a pvc pipe and he doesn't eat while i'm there but the next day it's gone. it's odd but it has be getting consumed for him to be swimming so actively, pretty plump, and the seaweed to be gone every day. i do notice he pecks at the floor and likely picks up food while i'm gone that he doesn't eat while i'm there. stay at it and keep trying. as rob said, they aren't easy fish for captivity but with a bit of patience and persistence maybe you'll win out in the end.

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Well whataya know... the little booger started eating yesterday, and did it again today! I noticed a more "garlicy" smelling chunk of Jan's food then normal yesterday, so when I dumped it in, he started pulling pieces into his mouth and spitting it out, and then started eating some of the pieces. And today he just went nuts and ate a lot! woot! for Jan's food!

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