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Hello All! Another Newbie here. lol

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Hi all... So I live in Wheaton and I'm new to the hobby. No tank, no fish, no Corals, no anything. At this point I feel like I am in the perpetual research stage and getting frustrated. I've been reading books given to me from a friend with reefing experience, watching Youtube videos, and going through blogs here. Every time I think I am starting to understand something in the book, it takes me just a few seconds on these sites to remind me I haven't got a clue! There are so many abbreviations and deviations from what the book seems to make so simple. My head is spinning! I think it is because people try to talk technical and "smart". If you don't know the lingo it's confusing. So, I thought one good method to make this easier (and hopefully cheaper) was to find someone getting out of the hobby and buy their entire set-up. It's established and running well... How hard can it be to maintain the same parameters and not have to worry if you are getting the right protein skimmer, UV cleanser, or the myriad of other tools required or optional?! You can focus on maintaining healthy water and add ons from there should be to make things less time consuming or to meet your preferences as you learn... LOL... well, I guess it's harder than I think. When I tried to obtain one they said no, start from scratch you'll learn more. UGH! OK... but yours looks pretty! lol... I don't care what I have to get to make it work.... I just want to keep it simple! I never claim to be very bright and I don't want to be a marine biologist, Chemist, or physicist! I don't care why it works, just that it does. I just want a colorful, peaceful tank to admire and "play" with. I don't mind doing the work. I just want a set-up that can handle the most delicate of creatures but stock it with hardy stuff right now. Someone needs to post THAT set-up. I'm ok with just having water in it for a while if that is the requirement. I'm about to just say screw it, go to the fish store and get the basic things I have read about and try my own thing.... and go from there.. I'm almost certain with the great tips I have read I know the parts required... I don't know how to put them together or in what order but I am sure the sales person will tell me. How in the world is this so much harder than Flying planes, giving anesthesia, or learning to train horses?? This is the most frustrating hobby I have tried to get into. I know it can't be as complex as people will like you to believe.... but we will see.. LOL.

Best of Luck to all that are established and even more to those who've yet to begin!

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What you have found is there as many correct ways to do the hobby correct as there are hobbyists.


What I recommend is find someone close to you and has a tank like what you want to keep and do what they do for a while. Once you have done it for a bit it gives you enough experience to sort through the methods and find what works best for you.

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welcome! and its not as hard as your thinking. both ways have its benefits of starting new or buying est. All you need is ALOT of patience and $$$

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Thanks all! Thanks to Ryan S older post... I found a whole new set of youtube vids to watch. Yay! Ugh! But I am going to watch them.. Really like BRS TV. unsure.gif

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Just remember we were all in you shoes one time or another

Never I mean never rush saltwater let the tank take its corse and you will enjoy it for a long time to come

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One thing you need to remember. This hobby isn't about taking care of coral, or even taking care of fish. This hobby is about taking care of water, once you learn that, you will do great!


People say go bigger because it's easier... but I actually went smaller and found it to be a lot easier. I was spending a lot of time on my 75 gallon tank, seemed like anything I did turned into a couple hours of work.

Dropped down to a Nano and 15-20 minutes a day and the tank runs fine. In the process of setting up another Nano now.

Edited by Happyfeet
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Welcome Will, I,m a newbie also and still learning but these people on here are a big help with any and all questions. If your lucky you can find someone close to help you along. I live quit a distance from most on here but was lucky and found a friend (Frank) close by who's been a big help to me. I bother him all the time with questions!LOL

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Welcome, Will!


There are so many abbreviations and deviations from what the book seems to make so simple. My head is spinning!

I came across this link long ago. It's a good start on the abbreviations that you'll find here.



When I tried to obtain one they said no, start from scratch you'll learn more. UGH! OK... but yours looks pretty! lol...

Probably better advice than you realize right now.


I don't care what I have to get to make it work.... I just want to keep it simple! I never claim to be very bright and I don't want to be a marine biologist, Chemist, or physicist! I don't care why it works, just that it does. I just want a colorful, peaceful tank to admire and "play" with.

You'll not only become part marine biologist, chemist, and physicist, but you'll also become part plumber, electrician, and janitor, too. You're neighbors will think you're growing something wacky because of the blue glow coming from your windows. But, you won't care.


I don't mind doing the work. I just want a set-up that can handle the most delicate of creatures but stock it with hardy stuff right now.

Hmmm. I have lots of thoughts here. This is animal husbandry. Part of set up you're talking about is you and your capabilities, resources, and willingness to try new things and to fail. Believe me, we all have trials we've suffered. It's dynamic and different. You'll find a lot of paths to "success" and even more to "failure."


I'm about to just say screw it, go to the fish store and get the basic things I have read about and try my own thing.... and go from there.. How in the world is this so much harder than Flying planes, giving anesthesia, or learning to train horses?? This is the most frustrating hobby I have tried to get into.

There you go! That's the spirit. I've not done #2 or #3, but I earned my pilot's license back in my early 20's. It was certainly easier. But, they start you out on easy little Cessna's. They don't seat you in the cockpit of an F-15. Maybe there's some sensibility to that.... Just sayin'.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel your pain Will. It is certainly a process, but you couldn't have found a more helpful bunch. I started in the fishkeeping hobby keeping freshwater fish for years. They are SO less complicated to deal with LOL. But the beauty and variability you can get with a saltwater fish/reef setup is so much more substantial.

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