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Big Worm!


Large Bristle Worms, friend or foe?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Should this bristle worm stay in the tank?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Do you think Bristle worms are beneficial?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Don't care just hate them!

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Based on the description provided in the article and the potential to become a predator, I think since you've caught him, I'd banish him. Generally I like bristle worms but they stay much smaller than that.

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Lion fish I'll eat, big nasty worms is a no go in my book!



So far the Poll is indicating that more people say to leave this beast in the tank! (only by 1 vote)


Reading through the article that Tom posted, I think it looks more like Hermodice carunculata!


So far I am leaning towards sticking it into the freezer, then flushing this beast into the Potomac!


I just don't think anything that big should be living in my tank unless I intentionally put you there!

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Toss him in the sump. If you fear the size he can do the cleaning down below

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Looks like a Eunicid worm. Scroll about halfway into this article and decide what you want to do.



I don't think so. No large and obvious tentacles near the mouth, the segmentation isn't obvious like most Eunicids, and not much in the way of iridescence.


Reading through the article that Tom posted, I think it looks more like Hermodice carunculata!


Don't think so on that one either. H. caunculata would have a much more "fuzzy" appearance in the bristled sections.


IMO, it's just a large bristleworm. I'd probably toss it in the sump.

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Didn't think of throwing him in the Sump! That may be a good answer...


The poll is showing about an even race for keeping him or flushing him.


I'll give it another couple of hours and see what the polls say!


Polls closing at 9pm est!


Get your vote in now!!!


Live or Die his fate resides in your hands....


Choose his fate....

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I second that it is not a eunicid, very large bristleworm, though!

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Keep him provided that you can keep him corraled somewhere. I bet that can eat detritus like a champ, but I wouldn't want him around my display tank when he got hungry.

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But I put my hand in the sump to pull out cheto for the Tangs! That thing looks like it could take a finger or maybe a whole hand!


6 minutes to vote!


Should he live or should he face the tidy bowl?!?!

Edited by dcreefer
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  • 5 months later...

I am voting to throw it out. I was once stink by this when I cleaned my sump and did not see it stuck in the pump's filter. Mine was about 4" long and I finally flushed it. My fingers were full of needles!


But I put my hand in the sump to pull out cheto for the Tangs! That thing looks like it could take a finger or maybe a whole hand!


6 minutes to vote!


Should he live or should he face the tidy bowl?!?!

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