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Valonia eater


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So does anybody have one that will "fit" in a 12g JBJ? I can't keep up with the valonia in that tank!


(ha ha ha ha JUST KIDDING so don't :blast: me!)

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I thought emerald crabs had a reputation for eating valonia... is that wrong or is it just yours?

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I thought emerald crabs had a reputation for eating valonia... is that wrong or is it just yours?


It's just him ;) Mine do (did) a great job. Though at this time I don't know because I haven't had any in this system.


Is valonia bulb algee?


Hey! Been a while! I believe it is.

Edited by L8 2 RISE
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I know late2rise I know:) heres my status so far I recenlty bought a 46g bowfront and I want to start a fish tank. Unfortnalty I'm not allowed to start it until I get a full time job. I have a ton of interviews this month. I don't know if I'm going to go reef or planted..... as I sold off my osmosis machine 3 days ago... but for sure I've been reading the forums... just don't have much to post as I don't have a tank! My faince(the reason I sold my tank) told me that when we get our own home I can start up a nice reef tank again.. but we will see how tight money is hope you guys are doing well Troy

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As for the bubble algee I found that I could take out the live rock and use a small chisle to remove the bubbles.... but you have to remeber I had a 24g so it wasn't that much work!

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Don't EXPECT it - but the yellow tang in my 240g tank keeps it clear of valonia. In fact, I take valonia-infested rocks from other systems and put them in there to give him a treat. He's absolutely vicious with it. Rips and tears at it and gulps it down.


I have also had pretty good luck with Sally Lightfoot crabs and Emerald crabs eating it.



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