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Banggai Brooding


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Noticed that one of my banggai cardinals had a really big jaw this evening, and since he's accommodating he opened his mouth to show me what he was carrying (very nice fish). Doubt that I'll be lucky enough to pull him in time, but you never know! If I'm lucky enough to catch him and time it right, think cyclopeeze from the beginning will do it? I've pulled old posts (thanks Chip) where newly hatched brine shrimp were provided, but I'm hoping to skip that......

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Exotic Aquatics has a pair. They said they feed cyclopeeze from the word go for the ones they have raised.


I have a pair that are currently brooding. I have raised two offspring to 1/4 grown. I have always meant to catch the male, but never had time. Instead, one fry found its way to the corner overflow and lived on his own off of tank scraps. The other one found his way to the fuge by himself. He was fat and happy when I found and caught him. Both are in the frag tank now and doing well.


I plan on trying the male in the fuge one time and see how many live on their own. That might cause my madarin's food supply to drop though ;)


Good luck!!


What kind of clowns take baby brine from the beginning?!? My black ocelaris eggs hatched last night, but they became coral food :)


Also, if you want to join another forum, here is one that is just for breeding marine fish:




They have a bangai sub forum.

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Thanks for the forum (excellent!) and info, as well as all the good wishes! He still is carrying the eggs. Since I have no idea when he started, I can't really time it. That means watching for little ones in the display or sump, or trying to just catch him and put him in a breeder in the display or in my 10 g until he releases them. Glad to hear cyclopeeze can work!

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Hope you find some. Mine had been in the overflow for some time when I noticed it. He had gotten to be a decent size - big enough to eay mysis.


I found the one in the fuge a couple of weeks later. He was fat :)

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I've got them and orange stripes that are frequently holding.

I've not been able to get them much past 2 months, even feeding newly hatched live brine.

Always happy to hear the news and good luck.

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So you get baby bangais to two months old and then lose them? Are you feeding the BBS selcon or anything or just feeding them withing 12 hours of hatching? They should take cyclopeeze by then right? that is better nutritionally I would bet.


My two were raised by luck mostly, so my opinion is probably worth what you paid :biggrin:

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  • 3 weeks later...
:wig: Well, I was placing new corals in the tank tonight (thanks Rik!!), and saw some movement near the cocoworm. Ended up catching four tiny Banggai babies! Tried to catch Dad in case I could get him to spit out the rest, but he didn't cooperate. Put the little ones in a floating breeder in the display and gave them some frozen rotifers - will do cyclopeeze in the morning. Will also keep an eye out for more in case he's releasing them gradually. Woo hoo! :clap: Now I just need to try to beat Chip's 2 month mark!
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So you get baby bangais to two months old and then lose them? Are you feeding the BBS selcon or anything or just feeding them withing 12 hours of hatching? They should take cyclopeeze by then right? that is better nutritionally I would bet.


My two were raised by luck mostly, so my opinion is probably worth what you paid :biggrin:


I hatched brine shrimp and they ate them well.

I was never able to get them to eat any frozen.

I will try again now that Hilary is going to show me up. :biggrin:

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The first baby I found alive would only eat live baby brine. It was born back on 10/23/2007. However with the second baby I found alive, it would eat the Ocean Nutrition Instant Baby Brine Shrimp.


OK, link is not working. Go to Marine Depot and search for Ocean Nutrition Instant Baby Brine Shrimp.


Baby Brine


It was much easier than hatching my own. It was born on 05/31/08. Both now eat all types of frozen food and are living in my refugium.


Good Luck.




Edited by jstlsn
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Thanks all! I ended up with six of them, and added a little bit of chaeto to the breeder since I know they like to hang out in softies/in some cover. Am trying frozen rotifers and cyclopeeze, and will let you know how they do. They are so amazingly cute - each is a perfect Banggai, but tip to tip less than half the size of my pinky nail!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks all! I ended up with six of them, and added a little bit of chaeto to the breeder since I know they like to hang out in softies/in some cover. Am trying frozen rotifers and cyclopeeze, and will let you know how they do. They are so amazingly cute - each is a perfect Banggai, but tip to tip less than half the size of my pinky nail!

Cool! Congrats! They are the coolest looking of any baby fish that I have ever raised.


Next time mine hatch, I'll have to try and raise some intentionally and go for 7 :)


My two that survived on their own in the fuge and overflow are growing well.


Good luck and I hope they do well!

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