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The Economy and our Hobby


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Was in one LFS Sunday and their stock looked like it was down well over 50% since my previous visit there. Was in another LFS today and the stock looked like it was down 50% and I could tell the guy was hurting. He had that look like "please buy something".


Marine tanks cost bucks and it is an expensive hobby. I think the tanking economy (pun intended) has had its effect. No doubt, tank snobs will become even more annoying: "what do you mean you don't have a $600 chiller?! what's the matter with you!?" (I had this discussion on another forum and the story across the country is the same.)

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I worked in an aquarium store in DC in the early 1970s (yes...35 yrs ago). At the time, summer was the "low season" in the industry and I assume that is still the case today. I also agree that the economy is hurting almost everyone, including all retail.



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Tanks snobs? Not on WAMAS. We're just a bunch of po' boys and girls doing our best to make it all work with DIY projects and group buys using whatever funds we have left over aver filling our gas tanks. I'll have a chiller one day though... ;)

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I imagine it would be risky shipping fish in hot weather. It's a lot easier to keep something warm in winter than it is to keep it cool in summer. We also have to consider weather conditions in the places of origin or factors affecting the entire chain.


What I think is kind of sad is the fact that something like gas prices forces me to skip gatherings. If I'm going to a nice shop I want to spend that 15 bucks in that shop, not getting there and back. I'm grateful to Eric for doing the BZA group buys and Guy for doing the refractometers - if they hadn't been so gracious I would have been out.

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You talk about gas prices, try paying my fuel bill for one week, it cost me $1150 to fill up one of my tractor trailers last week, which only lasts about 4 days, which only cost me $500 2 1/2 years ago. So when you look at the cost of food and any other household goods going up in price, it because the fuel sur-charge that companies like mine have put on manufactures to cover the BIG difference we have to pay to get the product to the stores. It a big filter down or circle game that we all are getting screwed by the oil companies. So look forward to alot of LFS and other going out of business in very near futures.



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Well my tank dreams are coming to a full hault beause of the price of gas! and the fact that I'm still looking for a job:) I'm thankful to have my nano though! anyway guys it should get better before it gets worse I hope!

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I vote for making all the VA stores move to montgomery county

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I vote we ban the Marylanders. :clap:





















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If all the stores were in montgomery county it would be like putting 5 grocery marts on a city block:) jk jk hope your doing well Troy

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I vote we ban the Marylanders. :clap:




Give us all your crabs!

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Because gas is so high a lot of "high-end specialty retailers" are getting hit hard. My wine store's stock looks like its down by a third. Others like Godiva chocolates and etc. are getting hit too. It stands to reason that with gas so high this is the kind of thing people will cut back on. Restaurants are getting hit hard for the same reason. ("Low end specialty retailers" like Payless shoes may actually do better in the current economic situation.) Also, consider that unemployment has jumped in the last year.

Edited by sen5241b
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I live near a train station - lots of people take the train, and between that and the freight trains if there were any more of them it would impede traffic a lot more than it already does. The only way I would vote for more trains going through here would be if they were not across the roads.... I think those are called subways.

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I believe it is a combination of the economy and summer. During this time of year I have noticed more people leave the hobby over the years. People are more active, outside, etc and don't have the time. Yet, when fall and winter come around there will be an influx again. When it is cold outside, you have more time to work on your tank and enjoy it.

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Thats because people nuke their tanks during the summer!

Awwwww.... ! I'm sure plenty of people nuke their tanks in winter just fine.

Seriously, sometimes I think people give up when they have a tank crash and can't afford to replace everything. I think having the club to help people get back on their hobby feet has probably kept people from giving up at times.

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This is the new global warming - everything is blamed on gas being $4/gal now. And here I thought that a 1.75% forclosure rate was the end of the world. And somehow GDP and consumer spending are increasing, which baffles all the experts every quarter. Anyways.


Property taxes on my house have and will increase more over the next few years than any impact the very recent gas price spike could make - and I don't see that causing a revolution, although it should. They raised the tax rate 18% here in Loudoun, which increased the total tax liability despite the value of the house going down - which means that when property values all go up in a few years the taxes will follow right along. Nice.


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Property taxes on my house have and will increase more over the next few years than any impact the very recent gas price spike could make - and I don't see that causing a revolution, although it should. They raised the tax rate 18% here in Loudoun, which increased the total tax liability despite the value of the house going down - which means that when property values all go up in a few years the taxes will follow right along. Nice.



I wish I would've known how much Loudoun sucked before I bought a house here :(


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I believe it is a combination of the economy and summer. During this time of year I have noticed more people leave the hobby over the years. People are more active, outside, etc and don't have the time. Yet, when fall and winter come around there will be an influx again. When it is cold outside, you have more time to work on your tank and enjoy it.


yeah the summer activities and probably more hours at the office, in the feild etc are causing people not to be able to spend time with their tanks thus the lighter hours in the winter allow them to "catch up"


and fwiw...just as your tanks cycle....economies will to.

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I wish I would've known how much Loudoun sucked before I bought a house here :(


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Moving here from New York, we very much love living in Loudoun after a lengthy home search in other parts of NoVa. I wouldn't change a thing, it was just a comment on the local government's reaction to a recent downward adjustment in housing values as compared to the percieved devastation of gas prices.

We have twice the house with 1/3 the property taxes and auto insurance and great great neighbors and I hope we stay here for a long time.


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sorry yb, I know better.


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