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new xenia


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i just got a red sea pulsing xenia from vividaquariums.com yesterday & acclimated it with drip method & everything. so this is what my xenia looked like last night...


and this is what it looks like now...


should i move it somewhere else? or should i just wait a little longer b/c i know its takes a few days for some coral to get used to an aqarium. im just checking to see if its alright since its my first time ordering coral online. thanks~

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My xenia look like that for a day when it just got into my tank. It open up a couple day later. For some reason, it pulsing one day, and not the next day, and pulsing again. It's kinda wierd.


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Light to moderate flow? Low to moderate light? They usually don't like really bright lights, but CAN get used to them. Give it a day or so and see if it perks up. It doesn't look SICK or INJURED - it just looks unhappy.



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ok so i just moved the xenia lower in my tank since you suggested low-moderate light & low-moderate flow & it was under a bit higher light and flow. while i was moving it, i noticed that some polyps were falling off... is that normal too o0?

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Polyps falling off is not a good sign :(


Xenia is a notoriously bad shipper, which is why it's better to get it from someone local. And some tanks just don't support it, whereas in other tanks, it's a weed.


I would suggest that you don't move it again. Changing its conditions will just stress it out more!





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What are your tank parameters? What size tank and lighting are you using? My xenia tends to like Ph over 8.3. It also has moved closer to the top of the tank over time, I have 175 MH with PC actinic & 10k. I have also heard that Xenia does not ship well, hopefully yours will recover.


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By the way - I have it growing up the glass on the back of my 58. I'll see if I can't get some to attach to a piece of rock. You're welcome to a piece if yours doesn't make it - but right now it would be a loose piece and you'd have to sew it down to a rock or something.



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You're welcome to a piece if yours doesn't make it

thanks bob :) yea if mine doesnt then i think i would like to try the 'get it from someone local' thing.


but since my xenia's not dead yet, is there anything i can do now to help revive it? or just wait to see if it gets better...?

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My guess is as long as your water stays good, it will bounce back. I've had one for over a month I got from a LFS, and it really just started looking good the last couple of weeks. I have read they take a lot of time to acclimate.


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i was just looking around online and i saw on another forum, someone had the same problem with their xenia. one of the members who responded said...

'I saw a posting on another site saying when they are stressed, the hands will separate from the stalk and grow on another location. I think this is a survival thing with them.'

is that true?

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heres a picture of my xenia last night




and heres a pile of polyps




its going bald :(

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I changed my flow direction yesterday and it started to blast my xenia, it was not happy and started to retreat. I moved the flow and its happy now. So I have mine in low flow, but near the top of the tank. Seems happy there.




heres a picture of my xenia last night




and heres a pile of polyps




its going bald :(

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Don't give up hope. We've had our zinnea almost melt back to nothing and yet most recovered.


If you lose them all, we'd be happy to share ours with you.



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Don't give up hope. We've had our zinnea almost melt back to nothing and yet most recovered.


If you lose them all, we'd be happy to share ours with you.



Thankyouu & thanks guys for the advice :) But apparently my xenia did end up dying :( Oyyy... =\ Hopefully ill have better luck next time..~

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What's your location? Next time we're out and about your way we'll plan to drop you off some xenia.



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I just threw some xenia out in the garbage because it was beginning to damage another coral. If you're close to the Vienna area you can by or I can drop some off. David

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I bet your tank just does not like Xenia. Mine does not. Some people have 2 tanks and one will host Xenia and the other will not.


In my 16 years with my reef setup, my system has happily hosted Xenia for 6 months. Then, something goes wrong. I still have a little xenia on my glass, but it is just hanging on, not thriving. Yet, I have gobs of anthelia, mushrooms, encrusting gorgonian, SPS, LPS, etc.


Please put your location in your personal profile under your WAMAS control panel. It will help people near you to volunteer to help.

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Thanks guys :) Yeaa i plan on setting up another tank soon so hopefully the xenias will like the new one better...? I live in n. potomac, md by the way. Let me know if anyones in the neighborhood~


Please put your location in your personal profile under your WAMAS control panel. It will help people near you to volunteer to help.

good advice i was starting to get bumbed since people offering xenias are in va or dc... not local xp

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We're down off I-95 in Fredericksburg VA, so not close, but we're in MD every 6 weeks or so. If worse comes to worse perhaps we'll both make it to the next Wamas social/meeting, which I hope is on the calendar of events soon (hint..........hint.............).



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My own experience:


I had a beautiful stand of xenia for 3 years. It was at the very top of the tank.


Several months ago I added a very large refugium full of macro. Ever since I did that, the xenia shrunk and shrunk, and is now completely gone.


I think the macro outcompeted the xenia for nutrients.


It could be you don't have enough nutrients.

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I didn't offer any xenia since you had lots of offers already. I have some xenia you can try again with and I'm in Bethesda.



Thanks guys :) Yeaa i plan on setting up another tank soon so hopefully the xenias will like the new one better...? I live in n. potomac, md by the way. Let me know if anyones in the neighborhood~

good advice i was starting to get bumbed since people offering xenias are in va or dc... not local xp

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Guest webshout

I've got some pulsing Xenia and I'm in Takoma Park. At some point, in the next couple or 3 weeks I have to swing by and pick up a bucket from Holly. I'll try to send you a PM to let you know in advance. That is if you still want/need xenia.

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I bet your tank just does not like Xenia. Mine does not. Some people have 2 tanks and one will host Xenia and the other will not.


One thing about xenia - it much prefers to spread than to just sit and grow. If you always keep something next to it, for it to spread on, it will probably last a lot better.



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Ok so i have to check to see if theres enough nutrients in my tank. the site where i ordered my xenia from said to put it on a 'slanted rock' so i did & there were rocks around it to spread on, so i dont think that was it. i hope it was the shipping that was the issue rather than my tank =\...


I'll try to send you a PM to let you know in advance. That is if you still want/need xenia.

yea let me know when you come in the area. hopefully i will have better luck with your xenia. thankyouu~

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Don't get dishearted I've heard its a terrible shipper:( hopefully you can get some locally better yet for free locally I used to give it away before I erreticated it from my tank:) it was my first coral and I loved it until it took over my nano!

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