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Everything posted by YBeNormal

  1. Sweet! Did you fix the leak in the sump or is that still on the to-do list?
  2. Looking good! Is that your CNC?
  3. I think this article, "When Do Calcium and Alkalinity Demand Not Exactly Balance?", will help explain the issue and what to do about it. It's one of the best explanations about calcium/alkalinity demand and balancing I have read and one I kept referring back to when my tanks were running. Happy reading and I hope this helps!
  4. I really think having a 100GPD membrane is overkill for most people, especially since the 100GPD membrane has a lower reject rate (so your DI resin will exhaust faster) and it's easy to make the water up ahead of time anyway, negating the need for the additional 25GPD output. I agree with the recommended vendors being AWI, Buckeye, TFG and Spectrapure. I personally have the AWI Typhoon Extreme and highly recommend both it and the company. The unit works great and at a reasonable price (not bargain basement, but very reasonable for the features and quality). Most important though, AWI offers a lifetime warrenty on their products and they stand behind that warrenty. I've had a booster pump and a couple of other parts replaced over the years with no questions asked. They even replaced my ASOV twice in a row before we figured out that the issue was headspace on my part, I had left the DI bypass partially open, and they did not ask for payment or return of the ASOVs.
  5. Maybe the 'nem heard Chip was coming over with a scalpel and he is looking for a safe hiding spot?
  6. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2011/12/baby-seal-enters-house-and-naps-on-couch/ Ready for a group "Awwwwww"?
  7. Your posts were not useless. Wait 'til you become a member and can see all of the posts I have made over the years. Believe me, many of them were quite useless! Oh yeah, WELCOME TO WAMAS!
  8. Lookin' good Roni! I know it's difficult trying to work on this in the limited free time you have, but it will be worth it in the end. Keep taking your time to get it just the way you want it and you won't be disappointed.
  9. Sounds great. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing lots of pictures!
  10. I agree Chip. Question: Do florists carry PB&J sammiches?
  11. It's actually quite simple. Try this link.
  12. I second that motion! P.S. I'm opening the honey jar now and I'm pretty sure we can get one of the admins to renumber the posts so hypertech can claim #200. Come on, let's put this poor horse to rest before someone gets their feelings hurt.
  13. Horse is dead, oh so dead. Must we continue with the beatings?
  14. Thanks Scott! You're going to be real tired by the time I come by your house tomorrow then!
  15. If you are in the Washington DC area, then yes, WAMAS is local. Most of our members are in MD and VA, but we have members all over the US and maybe even some oversees. I look forward to meeting you someday and to hearing more from you on the forum. Bob
  16. Welcome to WAMAS Scott! Please consider becoming a member and hanging around for a while. In spite of what you might think from this thread, we don't bite. Well, other than PB&J sandwiches of course!
  17. Any chance one of the local LFS' might begin carrying PB&J sandwiches? I'd order them online but they usually arrive soggy and stale.
  18. On a lighter subject, I like PB&J sandwiches, sometimes with a thin slice of banana. Just sayin...
  19. I go out of my way to purchase supplies and services from individuals and small businesses, knowing that I am paying a higher price for my loyalty. I also avood the self-checkout registers because I know they replace paid workers. That said, I have to live within my means and, like everyone else here, I purchase many items via the internet (including clothes, auto parts, food, etc.). I wonder how many of the local small business owners who complain about Internet purchases can truly say that they do all their shopping at brick and mortar stores? I'll bet there are very few and that most of them are 70+ years old with little or no computer skills.
  20. "Trolling" seems kind of harsh. True, he is a vendor, but he's offering good advice (even if it is long after the thread has died down) and I haven't seen him pushing any of his products.
  21. Ah yes, I've seen those. Little inserts inside of the tubing that you don't even know are there.
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