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Everything posted by YBeNormal

  1. Looks good! How difficult will it be for you to keep it up to date though?
  2. Shhhh! Don't tell the commoners or they will want to move here too!
  3. Thanks for posting. I had no idea that store was there! I stopped by there this afternoon and Terri gave me a quick tour of their operation. They are a start-up shop and are currently focused on tank set up and maintenance for commercial, schools and individuals but they have a decent inventory of supplies and will special order for customers. They have a limited stock of fish on hand at the moment but are working to expand the inventory. Yes, they do actually QT their fish before placing them on the floor for sale. The Cozy Clownfish supports PVAS already and Terri will talk to the owners about supporting WAMAS and offering a discount to WAMAS members. She mentioned that someone had stopped in and was supposed to drop off some WAMAS cards?
  4. You've probably done this already but make sure you've turned off all unecessary heat-producing devices such as pumps, lights, etc. Add some air stones to increase oxygen levels. Good luck!
  5. I have two Magnums and one Vortex diatom filter that you could use but I will be out of town for the next few days. If you still need one by the end of the week, let me know.
  6. To little, too late I'm afraid but it is comforting to know that something is being done that might have at least a small benefit to the global reef systems. The real question is how serious are they going to be about this. Will they actually enforce the rules or will they impose nuisance fines and look the other way when enforcement results in economic impact to some large political donor.
  7. I'd also love to have some of the green rimmed purple zoos (and other brighly colored zoos if anyone has some available). I won't be able to make the meeting though. Can you hold some for me for later pickup or maybe one of the Manassas folks can pick a frag up for me? I'm just starting the reef and have nothing to trade at the moment. Cost?
  8. Thanks! I have a full schedule for the next couple of weeks but will contact you when things settle down.
  9. Can I add a "Me to" to the list of potential visitors? I hear you live w/i walking distance of my house. <insert animated beg icon here> I never get tired of looking at reef tanks.
  10. Hey, that's MY house! Well, two more payments and it will be!
  11. She's being modest. It looks even better in person! Nice pics Loco!
  12. Yo Larry. I can do a drive-by delivery. Give me a call when you get home.
  13. Ah but I *did* join WAMAS. I sent the payment by PayPal late last month. I sent an email last night asking why my membership has not been upgraded. Hopefully all will be resolved soon. Thanks for the quick response though!
  14. I built this one: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthre...25&pagenumber=1 If you can follow schematics and are familiar with the basics of electricity, you can customize the design quite a bit. I went with redundant float switches in the sump so the backup switch will turn off the ATO pump if the primary switch fails. The switch in the ATO reservoir wired to a buzzer is a nice feature since I sometimes forget to refill the top-off container. I am using a tall/narrow pet food container for the reservoir right now but I have also used smaller 1/2 to 1 gallon containers. Any container that will hold water and fit into your stand will work.
  15. That link returns an error when I try to access it.
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