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Everything posted by emissary

  1. I own a nikon s50 and really like it...
  2. Sorry will be out of town... but: INSPECT CAREFULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Not sure, can you contact the manufacturer? I'm not familiar with some of those components. Not sure it would be helpful, but here's some potential setup diagrams for the unit that I use: http://www.aquariumwaterfilters.com/librar...ko%20Manual.pdf At least you can see how the components flow together.
  4. Sort of not-in-the-context-of-your-specific-problem... but the answer to this question is typically security related. Storing passwords in the clear is BAD. Storing passwords using reversible encryption means that there is a key somewhere that is used to decrypt it. Where is that key stored? Who has access to it? The key management aspect here typically is done poorly and thus reversible encryption is also typically BAD. That leaves one-way encryption (password hashes) where given a particular "salt" (think... starting entropy), a unique (across all inputs), but repeatable, hash is created. The consequence of password hashes is that "the system" cannot tell you what your password is, but can allow you reset functionality if you know your current password.
  5. Duh!#@$! Took me 3 readings of that to understand but ... wow, okay... I gotta lay off the crack.
  6. In my experience, it's a crapshoot. I just fragged 4 frags of an acro a few weeks ago. One of the frags started to RTN (well, at least 1/3 of the coral tissue went missing in the first day and a baster took off another 1/3). Well, immediately after basting the necrosis stopped and the tissue has started to re-take the rest of the frag.
  7. For those of you using the Salifert test kits for Ca and Alk -- when you test, where is your meniscus when your black rubber stopper is lined up to the 1.0ml mark? The "air gap" that is said to not influence the results is all well and good, but I noticed that in one case my meniscus was at 7.5, in another 7.6, and in another 7.2. This meniscus variation will lead to different test results of course and I'm curious where it should be.
  8. Sounds like you're moving too fast. You've put $1000 worth of corals into a tank that's only now reached 6 months old? Starting from scratch material, I think you're asking for trouble. Starting from a previously established tank -- you can do that. "They" say tank *establishment* comes after 1 year. So you may want to stick with softies/LPS for a little while and ensure you can care for those before moving on. Can you elaborate on "fine"? What are the values you get for the various parameters? What corals have died, and what behavior did they exhibit before dying? What fish do you have? How much LR/substrate? Got pictures? Also... where do you live?
  9. I also have a 30G frag tank attached to my 180. I'm babysitting a number of things for a fellow reefer at the moment (tagged as such on my fish website to ensure nobody forgets).
  10. Best 1.5" unions I've ever dealt with. Slim and trim.
  11. Before killing them, you may want to put them up for sale. There are those who would like to get rid of zoas in their tanks.
  12. Sleep... sorry not familiar with the concept. Reefing tho, I'm all over it. Glad to have you aboard.
  13. What are you trying to do? At that price range I wouldn't recommend a DSLR. There are some awfully nice point and shoot jobbies for cheaper though like the Nikon L12 (ask dandy7200) or the slimmer S50.
  14. Alrightie then. I've finally created a transport mechanism from my AC3 to my public web site. That means current status of power-controlled devices is now available along with what used to be there (temp/ph/orp). There's also more descriptions of how things are running. http://reef.korff.org/statistics.php
  15. emissary

    need help

    Welcome to the hobby! Here are my thoughts for an action plan when you start up. Some of this you've clearly already done This is boilerplate -- I've given it to friends/co-workers who have been interested in the hobby. Step 1: Buy some books Step 2: Read the books Step 3: Figure out what you think you want Step 4: Join WAMAS Step 5: Ask everyone else what they think Step 6: Do it WAMAS info: Join WAMAS when you're approaching being in the market for things. There's a buy/sell/trade forum with good deals. Is an excellent source of information and free stuff when you're just starting out. http://www.wamas.org. Resources (books): ...to get started, and typical timelines for when they'll be useful (note this is a list of books relating to creating aquariums predominately to house corals. If you're thinking fish only, different books may come into play): * The Conscientious Marine Aquarist: A Commonsense Handbook for Successful Saltwater Hobbyists (Paperback) * The New Marine Aquarium: Step-By-Step Setup & Stocking Guide by Michael S. Paletta, Edward Kadunc, Scott W. Michael, and John Goodman (Paperback - May 1999) At least 1 year later: * Aquarium Corals : Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History by Eric H. Borneman and J. E. N. Veron (Paperback - April 2001) * Reef Invertebrates: An Essential Guide to Selection, Care and Compatibility by anthony Calfo and Robert Fenner (Paperback - Jun 2003) * Algae: A Problem Solver Guide (Oceanographic Series) by Julian Sprung (Paperback - Jun 25, 2002) * Aquarium Corals : Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History by Eric H. Borneman (Hardcover - Mar 2001) A year or so later: * The Reef Aquarium: A Comprehensive Guide to the Identification and Care of Tropical Marine Invertebrates (Volumes 1-3) by J. Charles Delbeek, Julian Sprung, and Charles Delbeek (Hardcover - Jul 1994) Another year later: * The Modern Coral Reef Aquarium, Volumes 1-4 by Svein A. and Alf Jacob Nilsen Fossa (Hardcover - 1996)
  16. Really, you can keep pipefish in a frag tank? I thought they had non-trivial feeding requirements best served by a low-population crustacean heavy environment. Ok, I admit, I know nothing about them. I'll go read up.
  17. Too late to get rid of flatworms I have a six line in the main tank. Not doing a thing for me. I was hoping for something more interesting than a blenny/goby whatev.
  18. YOU LUCKY DEVIL! Manassas, VA. How about that. You've got the best LFS in the area -- Blue Ribbon Koi. Welcome to the area. Did you join WAMAS already? Best $20 I ever spent on the hobby.
  19. What would be good algae eaters? I thought about maybe getting a Kole but he'll get annoyed by the small tank eventually I think. We're talking 30G breeder here. I have an army of snails in there right now and I haven't had much in the way of knocked over frags. Plus I look at my frag tank every day so I right anything that's wrong. Easy to find fallen frags in such a controlled environment.
  20. I'd like to get a fish for my frag tank. Originally I was thinking a porc puffer, but it looks like those guys will grow out of that tank readily. I then though perhaps a Marine Betta. Thoughts? Any other good candidates for a 30G frag tank? I was leaning towards something that's not safe to put with snails and shrimp and such since I have those inverts in my display tank...
  21. Closing thread to limit counter flames and further defamations of character against Bergovoy. He has expressed his opinion.
  22. I have frags that you'd probably be interested in, but am nowhere near Germantown. Could possibly bring something to a meeting or something else...
  23. Ah, a possible eventual home for my Unicorn Tang (Naso Brevirostris) when he outgrows my 180
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