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Everything posted by marinap

  1. You need to rinse the fish in hypo water before adding them to the tank with copper. Copper and formalin do not mix well. Are you sure your formalin is fresh? I am yet to see a clown that takes formalin baths so easy...How much are you dosing?
  2. Judging from what is said about the size of those pods, they are too big as first food.
  3. Tonsa are indeed difficult. My culture came in contaminated from the vendor. The plan was to feed them Phycopure (has not been tried by anybody yet, but should work). tisbe are self-culturing at the moment, they populated a 10g with one tiny fish that is being fed with spirulina and othomine. Calanoids of the right size are indeed superior to rots as first food for fry of the difficult species. If you guys want to try tonsa again, we can place an order and have three separate cultures going. Could be an interesting experiment.
  4. Edit: For calanoids I meant A.tonsa, not tisbe. Tisbe is on my mind and they made their way into my previous post. Sorry about that. Drain you rotifer culture through a 56 micron filter to get rid of the contaminating organisms or at least decrease their population.
  5. For larvae feeding purposes calanoid pods such as A.tisbe are useful. Without an ID of the pods in your culture, I would not bother with them. Start from scratch. You do not want unknown pods in your fry tank.
  6. Clownfish larvae is attracted to light. Light reflects off the walls of the tank if left uncovered. Fry will just sit with their noses stuck on the walls instead of hunting rots.
  7. 150 is way too many. 50 fish/per 10G growout tank hooked to the breeding system is what breeders usually keep. If the growout is not connected to anything, then 20 is probably the max.
  8. Sorry to see you leaving the hobby, girl. Best of luck with the new venture You will be back to saltwater soon. ))))
  9. I am almost positive that if you attempt to culture DT you will end up with a monoculture.
  10. I quart usually goes for $10+shipping, retail (about 1/4 million rots). If you set up a station, you can grow your own rots for sale, Sean, in no time . LMK if I can help. Cheers.
  11. Most breeders substitute home grown phyto with algae paste from reedmariculture. I use 3600 Nano. I can give you some rots, when you are ready. For my clown larvae I use rots and frozen cyclopeeze, no pods or bbs. Good luck.
  12. Clownfish larvae can only be successfully raised on live rotifers. You will get a few survivors on flakes or frozen rots, but the numbers will be very low. Larvae tank is best set up without any connection to a refugium or the main tank.
  13. marinap


    Ouch! :( I have an empty 20G and lots of pieces of equipment that you are welcome to borrow. I also have about 50G of water ready to go, along with some LR and seeded foam filters. You can take a stab at saving your live stock.
  14. marinap


    All healthy tank raised clowns eat flakes. The fact that he is not eating would suggest a possibility of a disease, such as brooklynella. More info on treating this very common clownfish illness can be found here http://www.petsforum.com/personal/trevor-jones/brooklynella.html
  15. If those spots are flat, you are looking at melanism. A clown will develop black pigment in response to hosting in corals, such as zoos/leathers etc. Nothing to worry about
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