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Everything posted by John-Solo

  1. I'm thinking of setting up a 5.5gal tank for my work. I'd like to have coral and one maybe 2 fish. What are your suggestion for lighting? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Isn't asking questions and sparking conversation what this form/group is here for? Like what Monkiboy said maybe PM the people you trust if you think it's something minor. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Coral beauties can also be a nice addition Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I agree with Irishfist25 on the Scooter Blenny and skunk shrimp they are both great. I'm also a fan on purple fire gobies or maybe a flame hawk fish? I laugh every time I watch one bounce from rock to rock. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Sorry the video didn't load. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. http://rare.us/story/after-two-years-he-decided-to-move-his-fish-tank-and-couldnt-believe-the-monster-he-found-inside/?utm_content=inf_10_3427_2&tse_id=INF_55a084c05e094a098e618bb6e6b9b316&utm_source=socialedge&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=Influencer Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I had some algae like that after my tank had been running for about 3 months. even though I was using RODI water I started putting the recommended amount of Prime in when I was doing my water changes and it cleared up in about 3 weeks.
  8. Duh! I can't believe I didn't even think of that. Haha thanks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I noticed this on my coral about 4 days ago. At first I thought it was sand that had been kicked up on it so a tried to blow it off with a baster and noticed it was something els. Some sort of fungi maybe? It looks like it has spread a little over the past few days. Anyone have some input? Iv done a water change and tested the water. PH:8.2 NO3: 5.0 AMMO: 0 NO2: 0 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. major escalations for upcoming snow storm. things might get crazy.
  11. I believe the storm has just been upgraded! Hide your kids, hide your wife! https://www.facebook.com/john.ugis/posts/10208148818745454 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. haha "because they hate me" well put. That's a nice tank. Iv heard RBTA can become aggressive and take over a tank of not carful. My space is limited 29gal is about as large as I can go for now. If these start getting to big or split again I'll have to sell/trade one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. So Iv read a few thing about this, mixed reviews on if its form stress or happiness. I suppose it depends on how the rest of the tank is functioning, all the rest of my corals and live stock have been growing like crazy and looking very happy. I still consider my tank pretty new, its been running about 6 months now. I got a RBTA about 2 months ago and its been doing great. It found a nice spot thats in good view in front of the tank, and its colors have been nice and bright. I feed it a piece of shrimp once a week and spot feed krill every once in a while. so today I fed it the piece as usual, dosed the tank this Kent Nano reef A&B then when about my day. about 5 hours later I looked back and it had split! both pieces are still recovering but they have their arms out and look good so far. let me know what your guys experience with this, good/bad? just figured Id share. I'll post a pic!
  14. My wife's from Miami and would vacation in the keys. she agrees that you can go out almost anywhere and find amazing fish and coral. Long Key and Bahia state park are great but not sure about the rules for remove coral from Bahia. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Thanks. I went and got some Nori and he gobbled it up. I'm going to hand freed him for a while and hopefully I'm not to late. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I also dose the tank with Kent nano reef part A & B every other day. All corals and live stock are looking great. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. 29gal bio cube. Tank has been up and running with fish for about 6 months. Salt: 1.024, Nitrites: 0, ammonia: 0, PH 8.4. I do weekly 10% water changes I have 2 turbo snails, 3 nassarius snails, about 10 hermit crabs, 1 conch. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Hi, Iv had a Tuxedo urchin in my tank for about 3 months as part of the clean up crew and he's been doing a great job. I came home from work this morning and saw a bunch of its spines on the bottom of the tank. it looks like he's still moving around and cleaning the glass so I don't know if he's sick or not. should I put some extra food in for it or is this a normal thing for them? Thanks!
  19. I'm setting up a 5.5gl quarantine tank to keep an eye on things before placing them in my 29gl tank. so far Iv been pretty lucky with not having problems when adding to my tank but I'm not pressing my luck. Iv found some mixed info inline so have a few questions. 1. Do you dose the tank with any medications/treatments 2. How long? Iv heard 2-4 weeks? 3. What kind of lighting? 4. Filtration? Carbon/no carbon? 5. Is there a difference in quarantining fish, corals, anemones? Thanks guys. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Wow! That is really cool. This kind of stuff is why I love this hobby. Thanks for sharing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. YES! Feel free to bring one by any time. Hahaha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I might take you up on that! What did you have in mind? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I guess so... that explains a lot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. I knew it was important to have a lid when keeping a Six line and I have a piece of glass that sits over the top of my tank. I didn't think the 1 1/2" open space it left would be a big deal but sadly I came home from work this morning and found him laying on the floor :( RIP Weasel. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. I don't blame you, I probably would have done the same thing. It's very cool looking. My tank is a 29g and it's been running about 4 months. The information Iv gathered recommends to wait about 1 year before adding star fish. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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