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Everything posted by khh27

  1. I dumped one bag of 1200 in about a month ago into some chaeto and they exploded. When lights out in display they come out the wood works(or rock in this case:) )
  2. Order some of those pods there great. Best pods you could buy IMO. Expecially when BOGO
  3. Getyourpods.com they run bogo on 1200 pods regularly. Set a fug with chaeto. And you will create a sustainable population.
  4. No I feel the same way...it's like crack!
  5. I bought one about 7 months ago at the place in Lynchburg, va only place in the last year I've seen it. Probly because they are no longer harvesting cyclopeeze. They are very convient
  6. Something like this it should get the mark off and polish any light and fine scratches. .. no experience with anything like this though for aquariums http://www.eastwood.com/eastwood-clear-glass-renew-kit.html
  7. Try a headlight restoration kit...just know you will have to clean it EXTREMELY well.
  8. Hight be because it needs adjustment going from keeping it high nutrients then shocking it to low nutrients quickly it should bounce back ok since you have good PE
  9. If you have extreme flow in your tank this maybe a spot were there isn't so much.
  10. Was there something there that it use to host? I had a pair that hosted a nem when I took the nem out they wanted to stay in the same spot like it was still there but it wasnt doing the same behavior where I had the nem. Pretty much hosting the rock
  11. I really love the paly..let me know when it het big enough to frag[emoji1]
  12. Marco is VERY well know to have GHA problems
  13. Look at BRS video page they have a excellent video on how to install a add on membrane on there kits at least VERY good at explaining. Also they have a video on the flow restrictors. On my BRS 75g unit I didn't have to change it when I added the 2nd 75g unit but I think the one they use on their 75g unit is one that has a wide range of flow but check it out thye do a good job on explaining what restriction # do what GPH I think the 550 is what comes on the BRS.
  14. The waste water is how you feed the 2nd unit. It is no dirtier than the water entering the first membrane it is just the water that has to be discarded in order to produce the quality water.
  15. You can change out your existing membrane or add one Usually you use the same gpd you already have so you that would make it 100gpd. I've never heard of someone adding a 100gpd to a 50gpd but I'm sure it doesn't matter...idk.. also adding the 2nd unit the incoming water on 2nd unit uses waste water from 1st unit this making it more efficient and cuts down on waste water output. But you need to make sure you have plenty of pressure to feed the extra gpd requirements. Usually 65psi incoming pressure is a baseline for any units producing over 75gpd. If you just change out membrane I don't think it has same effect on waste water as adding the 2nd. Usually if you have well water 65psi isn't achievable except with a booster pump.
  16. I think this would be the case most places.
  17. http://saltwater-conversion.com/pages/carbon-dosing
  18. If I'm understanding this right your keeping your specific gravity at 1.028-1.029!!?!? That's BADDD.
  19. 70% at about 15-17" may be a bit much. I think you should back it down to 50% and re evaluate if they still keep doing what they are then it is more than likely not lighting. Could you post a picture on what they look like?
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