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Everything posted by dante411x

  1. That would just be torture for the anthias to live in your 10gboxfullofcoral and wait until this thing is finally up and running! They're too pretty though. I think I just might keep them ;-P As far as chaeto and pods go, that I've got by the bucket...
  2. So we've figured out the problem! You just need to start taking pictures with your phone instead!
  3. I'm starting to worry that Dave's 150 build is looking something like this:
  4. That's also the build that originally made me want to get a cube. Amazing stuff.
  5. I personally refer to acros as poles. So I'd post this with "pole lovers site" if I was doing it. I guess.
  6. That's because they're not around to talk about it.
  7. Oh I'm not nearly mature enough for this forum...
  8. You all are talking about the bristle worms here. Not bobbit worms. Bobbit worms are good. When they're teeny tiny babies. When they grow to be a foot and can kill any of your fish... Or you, for that matter, then maybe not so good.
  9. Chive on! For 50% off? Yes. Each of the 4 tools is worth about $15-20 separately online. Of course you can get the throw away surgical tools for next to nothing, but keep in mind that those are designed to be used once. Frag plugs and glue... Well. I don't have eggcrate frag racks, so I'm not as excited about those. But they look pretty nice for those who do. Glue is glue. It's a big bottle. Probably $5+ in store for that much glue. And the box is actually nice. The best part about it is that I can leave the tools out (in the box of course) and since the box is so well made, I can leave it out and not get yelled at for leaving fish stuff everywhere.
  10. Sounds like maybe a public shaming is exactly what these people need. Maybe it'll get them to actually realize that an aquarium isn't just a pretty picture with fancy moving fish. To me, it's the same as buying a cute cuddly puppy, putting it in a cage with minimal food and watching it die for a few months. And when it dies? Oh, replace it! There are plenty more online! Anyhow, glad to hear it's eating something... I don't know.. Perhaps a cancellation of their contract is exactly what's needed. Sorry bud, I know that's bad for ya, but a bad reputation from someone basically killing everything and then blaming the maintenance guy will be worse.
  11. Oh. I just ripped myself off from R2R btw. Didn't wanna type it up again.
  12. Lovely pump really. Looks like it'll work.... but... As an mp-40 is $465 new and this is $300 ish Still no real specs on controller. Or how much upgrading to an advanced controller will be. So, for $165 more you get an excellent powerhead that is proven to work well, has about as advanced of a controller as you can get and is easily capable of being hooked up to any controller that gives it even more options of use. Don't get me wrong, I love this thing. It looks brilliant. But am I going to take out my mp40's for it? No chance. Not at a $300 price tag. Less controllability is a huge factor. Now if they make this compatible with apex out of the box (with purchase of some other gadget if necessary) then id have a hard time passing it up. Another thing is battery backup. It's saved my reef twice now. And for that, $165 per unit more is money well spent. I honestly think a price in the $300+ range is a mistake. It won't give jebao a run for anything. I tried them, and they work. For $300 you could own 3+ of them and I'm certain that you could accomplish this same gyre effect with that. And then, if they do break... You have 2 left. Now let's see how long it takes jebao to look at that shiny "worldwide patent" sticker and realize that their country doesn't give a *--* about those. And sell something just like it for a much more realistic value.
  13. Couldn't you use any silicone tubing? Seems a bit crazy to pay $20 plus shipping for a couple zip ties and a quarter foot of silicone tubing.
  14. Only one way to tell. Stick your finger in the hole in the rock. If it chops it off, then it's a bobbit worm.
  15. Yep. The order of coding does matter here though. Basically the first line of programming sets the lights to on from 10 am to noon: If Time 10:00 to 12:00 Then ON Then the second line turns them off on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. If DoW -MTWTF- then OFF Then the next line turns the lights on from noon until 11:59 pm. If Time 12:00 to 23:59 Then ON The next line will turn them off if temp is above 82 and the final line will turn them off if the temp is below 70 (if the probe fails) You can pick and choose which days of week to have that happen on. The dashes represent days that you omit. The whole sequence looks like: SMTWTFS for the week. So say it you wanted to make the lights come on an hour earlier every other day, you could put in the line: If DoW S-T-T-S Then ON Of course this will have the lights on earlier on both Saturday and Sunday...
  16. When naming the outlet, you really don't have to add any kind of "_x" You can just name the outlet "fraglight" But it does help to know which plug is in which outlet. I'd think that if you can flip a switch to "on" manually through fusion, that would mean that fusion control is enabled. But that would make for a very easy fix. Advanced doesn't really do much unless you're programming something like day of week or seasonal times. The wizard will do everything you want if you just want the outlet to turn on and then off at a certain time.
  17. You can definitely leave hysteresis at 0. It's only useful for MH. Power blinking etc. you could also just do an advanced program. Here's my program for frag tank light, which is a 2 channel d120, I just turn them both on at the same time: This turns the lights on at noon and turns off at midnight. Saturday and Sunday the lights come on at 10am and go off at midnight.
  18. What in the world... That looks like a.. I can't figure out what half the things in there are...
  19. Yea, that's what I'm figuring too, it's not like it's a 36" 40 gal tank. It's gonna have tons of space. It's still small, about 3" now. Years to go for it to grow much bigger. But still, what worries me is that if it gets to be 12", it'll have 3 times it's body length to swim forward before turning around.
  20. So. And Dave, I'm not trying to hijack your thread here. Just asking questions that hopefully will be relevant to you. Is this a tank that you could keep a blue tang in? As well as a yellow and sailfin. My main concern with going to the 150 cube is that I'd have to get rid of my girlfriends goddarn dory. It's the only thing keeping my tank going so far, so not an option. And I'd much rather do this tank than have a 200 dd built.
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