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Everything posted by HgrReefs

  1. Bump for a great seller/hobbyist! I was there last night to pick up some stuff and Adam still has a bunch of stuff left. Help him out people!! PS, lights just came on and everything looks great!
  2. Wait, people still use computers to access forums? JK Personally, I think the idea is great. I only utilize a mobile device when using club forums like this and take advantage of Tapatalk's timeline feature. Makes life so much easier than sorting through the categorized forums. In my case, a tank emergency forum would be kind of nice, as I check the timeline quite frequently.
  3. +1 on skipping Mr Coral. Aside from the place being closed, the reputation they maintained was far from positive, aside from the brief time a local hobbyist ran it at the end. As far as corals, don't forget that WAMAS has their meeting coming up in July, so you should be able to get some great pieces there. Also, keep an eye out on this forum. I've been able to get some great stuff here from local hobbyists.
  4. Can't say that I disagree with this... Well said. As far as the store tour, excellent idea! I've gotta believe the vendors would be all in!
  5. Looking forward to the outcome of this build! Following along!
  6. If it comes up, I've never basted a turkey, so I agree!
  7. Anyone else catch that BRS is selling the OXO brand of housewares as "fragging and reef" implements? Found it kind of funny, as I believe Target sells the same brand in their housewares section. Very creative BRS, very creative indeed... http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/new-products.html?trk_msg=CHMERJ95A5F4P773HSH75N7F2K&trk_contact=U7G2ILO4SAONTICRMH940BJRC8&utm_source=Listrak&utm_medium=Email&utm_term=http%3a%2f%2fwww.bulkreefsupply.com%2fnew-products.html&utm_campaign=education&utm_content=newprod_060514
  8. Hah! That's what makes them fun...or something...
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