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Everything posted by YHSublime

  1. I think I’m going to give the maroons in the frag tank an upgrade. They have recently started hosting Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Wanted it to heal in the box, my clowns are brutal tenants.
  3. ? love seeing the foundation that the final tank sits on! So much work till now!
  4. Bummer about the delivery, but sounds like the vendor took great care of you. While you may not see a reaction right now, I'd keep my fingers crossed for another two weeks. I've found that when I have dosing mistakes or crazy levels, it takes weeks to show the results. Awesome to hear about the fire shrimp. It's pretty amazing all the things you've accomplished with this tank and less than a year under it's belt!
  5. Glad to see everything still running, and you've had a chance to work with it!
  6. That was an obnoxious thing that I did, but I wasn't sure how I could express my overjoyed emotions other than to exclaim loudly. This is going to be a masterpiece. I'm looking forward to watching you curate the ultimate reef experience.
  7. What if it's plaster and lathe? Yup, surprise, this house was built in 1930, so all the OG walls are like that, the new ones are drywall and framing. It's a guessing game!
  8. We just put in an HVAC last year. There's already one right there, lol.
  9. Sure is. I also have a display shelf for all my BBQ seasonings, reef tests and fragging equipment, and koozie collection. Then I have a dry ager fridge for beef and charcuterie, and a mini fridge on top of that for hops, yeast, and a few adult sodas in the office. That's a pretty nice glimpse into my other time consuming hobbies.
  10. Yes, I would either shut it down, or turn it into an actual frag tank.
  11. Yeah, I feel like that's most acro for me. Fingers crossed, that's a steal of a price!
  12. Let me know when you're ready to frag some of that Bubble Bath Unicorn. I lost it in my tank crash and it's a total stunner.
  13. I know. I need to do some serious cable management. Part of me wants to send it down into the basement. I'd really love to flip it so it was on the back wall, but structurally this setup spreads the weight out right up against the foundation. There is still the 11 gallon directly in front of the chair. I toyed with putting my desk right there. That would be a lot of light, I don't think I could work there getting a suntan! The electric load in this office is already pretty wild. I'm running two tanks, 4 heaters, 4 MP's, T5 and LED's, return pump, 1 monitor, 1 TV, 1 laptop, lights, 2 fans, and two mini fridges. Now add on everything needed for another tank that isn't hooked up yet. I either need to upgrade electric, or start combining sumps. I've toyed around with combining them (this would help lessen the electric burden), and with dropping them into the basement. I'm sure my SO will not be thrilled at even the proposal of putting holes in the floor, and honestly, I get it. I'm hesitant to put anything in the basement, as there is this constant impending question of when/if basement renovations are going to happen. Even if it's two years from now, I don't want to have to replumb and move things around. Ideally I'd drop into a rubbermaid sump for both, but I think that's a pipe dream for now.
  14. I think that’s the best call Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Brilliant! LoL. However, the 3 lights would cook me! I think even the 120 would be ok here, the beams from the side of the house are right in the foundation, although I’d like to be able to run it the other way against the wall.
  16. LoL, it’s so funny you have to laugh! Did you put it back with more support?
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