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Everything posted by lhcorals

  1. Corals are of great quality and many to choose from.
  2. Is anyone interested in buying these or trading? 10 or more $2 A Polyp 10 Or less $2.50 A Polyp
  3. Do you still have any Gadgets Acro's. Am very interested in one.
  4. If your down that way look up Fish World. Nice store and even better service. A little pricey but great quality.
  5. Yhank you for being so quick.
  6. On the way. HaHa. Like the humor
  7. Thanks Kevin. Cant wait to see what benefits comes with the membership. Tell family we said hello.
  8. Thanks. I hope it does'nt take to long. I have been wanting to join for a long time.
  9. Just paid my membership. How long does it take to go through?
  10. I want to join tonight. Is there anyway to do it on the computer? Sorry to ask such stupid question, i know its right in front of me i just cant find it.
  11. Just looked at mine, they are greyish in color. Thanks for that info, now i know if i see the others to pick them out.
  12. If its just base rock the only thing you have to do is rinse it real good. I put about 60 lbs. in my tank to help on the cost of live rock, i used it for the base. It will get color pretty quick. Could you tell when you seen my tank?
  13. I have them in my tank and i have had no problems. Unless mine are different but they look like yours. My current tank has been going for 18 months, they have been there the whole time.
  14. My Tunze has a night mode which cuts it back. The controller has different settings on it, I have it cut back to 30% in night mode. All my other power heads run normal 24/7. You have to be careful with some power heads being switched on/off. It could damage the motor.
  15. We tried the Cheato in the back of my wife's nano, it was a destritus collector. Then again i'm not saying what other people are doing is wrong, it just did not work in our tank. The flow in the back of the nano just seemed like it was'nt enough to stop the destritus from collecting. Ever since we added the Pura Complete the tank has looked great. I'm not an expert on this hobby i just try to pass on what i have learned from other hobbiest.
  16. IMO I think in the smaller tanks instead of a 20% water change once a week, two 10% water changes a week will benifit the tank better. It does'nt take long for a small amount of water to have its parameters change. I dont see a problem with running Phosban. Another product you can look into is Pura Complete, I run it in my 265 and have started running it in my wifes 25 gal. Its the same as Chemi Pure Elite just does not cost as much.
  17. I second that. I have both and they each do a seperate job together to help my tank to be as healthy as possible. I have found that in this hobby you can ask a question to ten different people and get ten different responces. The best way to look at it is if it is working for you that is great but dont try to tell someone else they are wrong if having a skimmer is working for them.
  18. My wifes 25 Gal. nano had similar problems. Her Zoo's and Buttons would'nt open. We found that her Nitrates were high (really high). We did 2 Gal water changes every 2 days. After about 5 water changes everything opened back up. We now do a 2 gal. water change every 3 days just to stay on top of it, it only takes about five minutes and it's working out really well. We have learned that with these small tanks you cant get behind on water changes, and have to feed very lightly. I wish it was as easy as my 265 gal. Dont get discouraged with it just get in a routine with water changes.
  19. Just wanted to say happy Thanksgiving to the WAMAS members and their families. Also be safe on the roads. Lynn and Anna
  20. I use the Magnavore 6 ER. Works great.
  21. I agree with you Steve. Let the people know what you are doing, but dont tell them everything else is wrong. I know i would not just depend on my fuge. I think it helps in multiple ways, but i still think a skimmer is needed with heavy bio-load tanks.
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