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Everything posted by SeanCallan

  1. Would it be Au Naturel if you started dosing supplements? To answer your question, theres only so many AAs and there is plenty of information out there that help these companies make their decision as to which to include in the supplements. Include a variety and you satisfy a wide spectrum of corals.
  2. Yup, just like that but thankfully I already looked there and when compared to the pinned on RC the WAMAS one is missing a number of pests. So I'm hoping that someone has a link to the ENTIRE list of pests, not just common ones, that may not have been shared.
  3. Hey y'all Anyone happen to have a good link that lays out what critters prey on SPS corals? Something that provides a ton of information and pictures? I've been doing some google searches but I know there has to be something better out there. I noticed a small black star fish (4-5mm) that happens to be sitting on a little frag piece on the rock I've got. Want to know if I need to pluck him out and sacrifice him to the SPS Gods or whether hes good to go? NO I cannot take a picture, my iphone is not that cool.
  4. A celebrity in our midsts! I call the first autographed frag!
  5. Yeah, no idea why it's made for a nano unless the pictures don't show the true size. As for temp I'm glad it's holding strong but I've got to do something to combat the evaporation or I won't even be able to leave the tank unattended for a few days. I'm not in a particular rush so I might see if anyone was interested in a GB for MarineDepot or some other site that sells these.
  6. I'd find a temporary home for your fish and corals and take the tank down. Scrub the tank clean, clean all the equipment, scrub the rock and bake it if you have the room to do it. You're going to continue to have problems unless you can clean out all the spores and determine what your nutrient source is. Are you using RO/DI? What kind of feeding are you doing?
  7. http://www.marinedepot.com/ps_ViewItem~cat...y~FILTACAF.html Anyone used one of these? I need something to cool the water surface and this thing looks pretty serious. I've got my tank running on a normal schedule and I've noticed that evap right now is pretty significant. The temp is a constant 80.2.
  8. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...-poland-AP.html
  9. Depending on the depth of the tank it might be worth stepping up to 200w
  10. Yeah, I ran an SPS/LPS tank with 440w of VHO URI, 75g RR tank. They did very well.
  11. These are some amazing stands guys! Bob, seriously, wow. That stand with the 3 tanks is pretty awesome did you come up with the idea for that? Great work.
  12. If I'm remembering correctly jellyfish and coral share the same specialized stinging cells. Pee on it. Edit: I'm actually being serious, so you know. It sounds crazy, but I know thats what fixes stings. Edit Again: I confirmed this with my college biology book! Yay, I did learn something. You can also soak the area in vinegar if you don't want to pee on it.
  13. Don't Sally Lightfoots get to be pretty large? I was googling them and they have pictures of some what are 3-4 inches.
  14. I've never kept crabs in any of my reef tanks previously and I thought maybe I would do it definitely this time. Are there particular crabs that cannot be in the same tank? Is there any reason you couldn't have an emerald and something else? Sally Light Foot, Porcelain, or Pom Pom? I've been told Arrows can be aggressive and nip at fish, but outside of them I only know what the internet tells me. Another slightly related question: What happens if a Pom Pom crab looses one or both of its Pom Poms? :(
  15. Great, if other people have noticed that means I've got a small window of opportunity before you guys swoop in and snag them all. SPS Vultures....
  16. I've gone to Pristine a couple of times now since they're right down the street from me. Definitely a superb store, it's clean, the staff are helpful, and the livestock look great. I wish they carried more SPS coral but I understand thats a very niche market and theres a lot of overhead for a store. That definitely won't keep me from going there!
  17. 14K Phoenix is what a lot of people I know use. My pendant uses the 13.5k Megachromes, it's a nice blub, I like it. Some people say it's comparable to the 14K Phoenix. DDiver is selling 2 used 13.5K.
  18. I'll keep that information in mind. Jeff was responsible for providing the plumbing parts and doing the installation, I'll pay closer attention to it next time. As for Jeff, I've emailed him about the possibility of him providing me with a new properly finished tank and I'm currently waiting to hear from him. I figure this solution works out for the both of us and we can avoid taking the issue to court. Another sticking point in all of this has been the ball valve that Jeff provided which lacks a timer to properly function as it was designed. He had previously offered to take the ball valve back and refund me the amount. If he stands by his original offer I'll replace the valve with an OM 4 way and we should both be satisfied with the outcome. I expect the tank may take Jeff some time but I'm willing to wait for it as long as we sign an agreement that stipulates the time frame he will deliver it in and how long I will have to swap tanks and return the original to him. Hopefully Jeff will make this right and we can both go our separate ways. I'll update the thread with any new developments.
  19. Hey Guy, Definitely a lot of great feedback and I'm considering a number of alternatives. I intend to keep everyone posted as to the developments of the tank. As of this morning there is another leak in the plumbing of the tank. Jeff has repeatedly told me he has built a replica of this tank. A solution that I am willing to accept to resolve this matter is Jeff delivering a brand new tank that hasn't been patched to fix his leaks. The tank needs to be drilled to my ORIGINAL design. He needs to polish and finish it completely and ensure it's leak free before he delivers it. He can have 2-3 months to do it, I'll set the current one up and upon delivery of the second one I will transfer everything over and he can have the other tank back. Input?
  20. I decided this morning to take some rough shots with my iphone so people would have some kind of reference to what I'm talking about. This picture just illustrates how the tank is leaning forward. The water comes up the edge a little bit, if the overflow were to clog it even a little would almost immediately be on the living room floor. This is a long shot of the scratches that are present around the edges of the tank Heres a close up of the scratches, you can see that they're rough and that the router blade scratches the main viewing pane as well. Jeff himself said he had planned to sand the tank and buff it but he ran out of time. Now that he is on the hot seat he has changed his tune to "industry standard". I've seen other acrylic tanks and this is NOT industry standard with the other manufacturers. One of the more serious concerns, these air bubbles are in the bottom seem. Air bubbles can be found in a number of the seems throughout the tank. I only hope this doesn't mean even better leaks down the road. Still waiting on someone with a better camera to come and get more detailed photos.
  21. Thanks MisterTang. I already have copies of my emails with Jeff, the contract, and phone logs printed off and put away. Jeff has emailed me that he only intends to install a new carbon bin and a timer on the ball valve but does not intend to address the unfinished edges of the tank. He has no intention of apologizing for being unprofessional about this matter and continues to point the finger at me being "hot headed." As per usual Jeff has put the blame for hanging up on my phone call on his daughter. It seems now that everyone is to blame except Jeff. Oh well, I've told Jeff since he does not wish to refund a percentage of the funds so I can find another builder to make the repairs I will be taking him to court not only for failing to fulfill the contract in a reasonable timeframe but for the damage he did to the carpets in my apartment. This was an avenue I was trying to avoid but Jeff has shown no desire to remedy the situation. I no longer want to wait for him to find time to make the repairs himself, I suggested he find another contractor which he was against. I am simply left with no other option.
  22. It does, because I was trying to keep the issues I've been having with Jeff private in the hopes that he would resolve them. I downplayed the leaks in my tank and everything else because I was hoping Jeff would hold up his end of the agreement and correct the issues. At this time he still has not and I was left with few options. I never set out to bash Jeff, but Jeff has showed a complete disregard for the issues I have with the tank. I started this tank batting for Jeff in the hopes that he would do an awesome tank and I could brag about his work and help him out by generating him business. I wrote most of the things off as a one-time ordeal but from the PMs I've received it appears that I am not the only one who has these issues.
  23. I'm sorry you feel that I'm driving this exchange. My response was to your comments about rushing the build. I agree. But at this point I am without other options, I have done everything I can possibly do besides showing up at Jeff's house to get answers. I've already talked to a couple of members who have cameras who may be willing to help me document it.
  24. Hi Josh, You can't imagine how calm I actually am. I'm not upset, I know that I will resolve this with or without Jeff's assistance. This particular thread is about my experience with Jeff and the nightmares that have ensued. I'm not calling you Jeff's only minion, I know Jeff and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find he was contacting people about the post. Josh, you keep saying you're not trying to get in the middle but your posts convey a much different message at least to me. You and Jeff are buds and I'm glad things have worked out for you I wish I could be in the same boat as you. But unfortunately I am not. I opened this thread so that people would be aware of the situation that Jeff has put me in. I'd like to keep the thread on topic with the original post. If you have an objection to that you are welcome to contact an Officer or a moderator, I promise I won't be upset. You have to do what you have to do. I'd be interested to hear your suggestions on how I can achieve the tank I want while perpetually waiting on Jeff and tooth aches, birthday parties, and the rest of his excuses to rid himself of responsibility. At what point do I, the paying customer, get the satisfaction of enjoying my tank?
  25. ArtC have you seen some resolution or are you still waiting?
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