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Everything posted by SeanCallan

  1. If you can get around using kalk then do so. Theres no reason for taking an unnecessary risk. I've got an SPS only tank and I have great growth and color without kalk. You will NEVER catch me using that on any of my tanks.
  2. +1 You'll never catch me using kalk on my tank. I guess people are glutton for punishment.
  3. Thanks! Will do, I was around my place much this weekend, I'll get back to you with those readings this week.
  4. I've been running my TIII for about 3-4 months now and my TDS is already 55. What gives? Do I ALREADY need to get new filters? I flush the system, but that doesn't seem to give much improvement.
  5. I would never leave my tank unattended on vacation. Plus, use the UPS to power a device to notify you via SMS that the power is out. You call your tank sitter and ask them to go take a look. Sure, it doesn't directly answer this particular question of water dropping, but it addresses plenty of other issues like the tank temp. I understand the concern for water, but a UPS would prevent the problem long enough for you or someone else to make the appropriate fix. If you limit the things on the UPS (heater + return pump) it's going to run for some time. If you're not having someone come check on your tank while you're on vacation wet floors should be the least of your concerns.
  6. OR! To avoid power outages look into buying a UPS unit. Hook up your return pump and a heater. That should give you enough wiggle room to take action.
  7. Found it! Tank Jet http://www.dtpetsupplies.com/catalog/Plumb...ket-connection/ But it appears the smallest size they're in is 1 inch and I was really hoping for 3/4. darn
  8. That isn't it, but similar, the jet is incorporated IN the bulkhead itself.
  9. No, I have loc-line, this part isn't screwed into the bulkhead, its IN the bulkhead. It's a little jet you can swivel around, it doesn't protrude out of the bulkhead. It's exactly like the jets in a spa, but that's not helping me turn results. No.
  10. Hey guys, I've seen some people's tanks that have these little spa jet like bulkheads. What are those called? I've tried to find them and I have not had much luck. Can someone point in the right direction?
  11. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/wildlife/...-the-world.html
  12. I always strongly advise against clownfish because they're so common place. Who, besides me, doesn't have a freaking clown in their tank? I'd have to kill each person who asked me about "nemo". As mentioned above, they're very cliche. 2 clowns would get very large since one would likely take the female role. A few small gobies would be a nice addition, a skunk cleaner (the relationship between shrimp and fish is exciting to watch), a peppermint or two. I use drip acclimation for all of my tanks and I've never lost a single critter. Approximately 1 drip per second. You'd be surprise how little water that is. Discard the water afterwards and then remove a little more and you've done a water change This way you're adding new critters and exporting nutrients which can sometimes be hard to manage in a small aquarium. I would suggest you run the tank for a while before you start going down the path of modifications. One poorly executed mod can result is far more hassle and headaches. I'm speaking from experience as I too have a 12G JBJ that I decided to make some modifications to, a couple little changes and I had an really tough time keeping my heat down. There is a particular LFS in the area whos owner is really knowledgeable about these smaller fish and tanks, shoot me an PM and I'll give you the name. I prefer to avoid controversy on the forums. (The man is watching my posts, no really, he is)
  13. YOUR people? Slavery is illegal my friend, no man should own another. As for PA, I think it's a cool store, it's really clean, they have tons of dry goods, and the fish look healthy. The guys that work there are a good bunch and they'll gladly answer any questions you have. I was interested in some fish but wanted to see them eat first so they gladly fed them to show me. Quality store.
  14. Wow, that's pretty impressive! Do you find the tank gets dirty because of the feedings? I know you have a skimmer, but would it be possible to run a mantis tank without one or would the algae take over?
  15. I live in Alexandria. How about I find a live King Crab and you bring the beer.
  16. http://io9.com/5130669/another-stonehenge-...r-lake-michigan
  17. +1 Liveaquria is a good site though and a lot of people are very satisfied with the fish and corals you get from there. Their SPS pieces are pretty big!
  18. Yes, it is in my reef right now. I didn't want to remove her from the tank and put her into another tank if I wasn't going to be able to get the copepods necessary to raise the hatched shrimp. It would end up being unnecessary stress that I don't feel the need to subject my watery friends to.
  19. Friday I picked up my ORAs, an additional emerald, and a harlequin from Sean @ AquaCo. The ORAs are amazing! I also started dosing Brightwell's Amino Acids and KoralColor on Friday. The dosing suggestion for the AA is kind of ridiculous. It recommends you do 2-3 drops next to each coral. I don't have the time for that kind of targeting. I'm hoping someone can suggest a overall dosage amount that I can mix and dose the tank with.
  20. Well, now I'm pretty confused. Yesterday she had her clutch, dropped the starfish leg she was munching on and found a cave. She came out later and went back to the starfish leg but without her clutch. I don't know if that means she laid them or what. Or maybe I just can't get a good look at her. Its really hard for me to see inside the little cave she was hiding him so I can't tell if theres anything in there. We'll see!
  21. +1 If the carpet is big enough it would awesome to have a small school hosting in it. It's a very cool look and different from the mated pair hosting. As for removing your rock I agree with ctenophore, you'll going to take 10 steps backwards to go forward once. Set a trap
  22. Yes the shrimp, the nearly hatched shrimp eat brine and copepods but in the home aquarium people have reported a high mortality rate when feeding brine. I was reading one gentleman's thread on raising them and none of the things in it seem expensive at all. He used a small CF, powerhead, 10g tank, a little sand, and some acrylic baffles. Nutrients need to be very low to completely absent which is fine since I'm running ULN in my display, water changes can from there. You'll never know if you never try.
  23. Hmm. I'm going to have to check into that! Theres not much information on how to raise the young so I'm doing my best to find out all that I can.
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