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Everything posted by epleeds

  1. here are some better pics....anyone have a clue... new and better pics...
  2. I have had this clownfish for about 7 years. In the last week or so, she has developed some white scaly things under her chin near her gills. Can anyone identify what this is and if there is something i need to do to treat her. I have not added any new fish in the last 6 months, only some corals. She has been hosting in my hammers and frogspawn, but its only on one side of her...none of my other fish look affected.. thanks... eric
  3. that is awesome....now how much would it cost to get one built to hold lets say a 180, or even a 200+, 96" long by 24" deep...with no canopy.... pm me some info...
  4. ive never seen a red mithrax crab...do you have a pic? eric
  5. all this was underwater....he seems fine...was eating about an hour later with no issues....so i guess we shall wait and see. thanks for the responses... eric
  6. My puffer got his tail sucked up next to the maxi-1200 for my aqua remora skimmer. Scared the puffer and he inflated himself into a ball. I was able to remove him from the powerhead and there looks to be no damage to his tail. He regained his composure and deflated within a minute. Is there anything else that i need to look at to make sure that he will be fine? thanks.... eric
  7. those are nice....let me know if you frag em...
  8. over the past 9 months every fish i put in the tank lasted about 3 weeks and then died. I currently have a maroon clown, 2 hawk fish and a lawnmower blenny. I have had them for years and no issues. I recently decided to put in a porky puffer, thinking if something kills him, we have a problem. He is still alive and well for about 4 months now....i did however find a gorilla crab in the tank that was (huge). He is no longer with us but i think he had something to do with me losing all those other fish. Just give it some time....throw in a few cheap fish and see how they do.
  9. thanks for that info. I just got off the phone with them and they put one in the mail.
  10. did you cut it off, or were you able to grab it when it fell off?
  11. In the past few weeks, my brain coral seems to be spawning off one of its pieces....it is holding on by a little part of the coral. is this normal? if so, do i wait for it to fall off, or do i cut it so as not to lose it in the rear of my tank. And if i should cut it, what is the best way to attach to a piece of rock... any help would be appreciated it. i have some photos....
  12. i recently put one in my tank and he decided to start picking at my neon green birdsnet....never thought that would happen. 1/2 of the coral doesnt look so good...hopefully it will come back.
  13. that is one H-E-double hockey sticks of a frag tank.....your main display must be unreal.....
  14. 2.5 x 7.25 x 8 3/8 ------ my box is 1/8 inch short of the 8.5" do u have a photo of how it goes in...the return hits the center divider to the box
  15. is there a way to tune this? or is it just plug and play? also, i am currently running a maxi 1200 on it (with a mag 5 on the way - thks jason) , and i can not seem to figure out how to put the pre-skim box on it. it does not want to line up. does someone have a pic that they can post to show me how to do it. thanks eric
  16. If you do, would you mind if i came to take a look at it. Im interested in buying one, but would like to see it in person first... thanks eric
  17. I am looking to build a tank. Not sold on glass cages due to all the different opinions out there. I was wondering if there is another custom glass aquarium maker that people know about it. if you have a link, it would be appreciated it. im looking to build a 7 or 8 foot long tank, 24" deep and 18-20" tall. thanks... eric
  18. thats what you get for giving him a weapon.....should of known he would turn on you....that was awesome....
  19. that thing is vicious.....michael vick would be proud....(and no...i dont like vick)
  20. pls let me know if you know what this is called..i think it might be a carpet leather...but not sure.... thanks
  21. too bad the crab i was going to give you didnt make it. I think he would have put up a pretty good fight... He was huge compared to what you put in there... nice video...i liked the music.... eric
  22. ill take a couple from ya...where are you located..
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