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Everything posted by shawns

  1. awesome dan. did you get them from brk??
  2. i cant wait to see that thing in action! im sure it's dissolved junk's nightmare. J U N K
  3. the cloudiness doesnt really hurt anything but i dilute anything that i put into my system. dont ever put anything in there full strength. just take some tank water from the system, add your dose to that water, then slowly add it back to the tank--particularly if you dont have a sump or something similar that will dilute it before it comes into contact w/ livestock. reason being, you want ALL changes to your system to occur very slowly! you dont want to shock/stress anybody. you should also be testing your cal and alk while dosing anything that might change either. for that matter you should test for anything that you dose. have a heavily purpled tank!
  4. i've seen some setups w/ the spray bars, but most w/out. i'd just like to get a general concensus of how reefers feel about them, how effective they really are, and do they out way the benefits of having a larger stream--like in meleves reef.
  5. if you're going to get it from a commercial vendor, i would consider drinkmorewater. they offer discounts if you buy in bulk and they deliver. again like tree said, think about convience and cost effectiveness.
  6. spend $$ on a tds meter first. you may not need to buy an ro/di setup. i do remember julian at the meeting saying that he uses straight water from the tap! he does live in a different place--miami--but im sure that he isnt the only person on earth w/ $$$ tap water! test your water for other important metals as well, and dont forget to add DECHLOINATOR!!
  7. well that might work rubber, but i would have to test my alk and ca levels in my fresh water before i make the change. if my readings on the fresh water are askew, then my efforts are counter productive. another thing to consider is the fact that my test kits maybe giving me funky readings. so even if i do test the water w/ the kits that i have, that maybe wrong too! so my problem maybe 2 or three fold... 1. my fresh water is lousy. 2. the water is my tank is lousy. 3. my test kits are inaccurate. 4. some1 shoot me...there maybe nothing wrong at all<--leads back to #3! all of a sudden i have become very thirsty!
  8. let me get this straight, i want to continue dosing ca? i thought i could keep an eye on it, but only dose alk. i guess that's why im asking.
  9. i dont know if the link in the previous post has been pinned by the mons. if it hasnt, it should be at the very least considered and, imo, placed in the "new to the hobby" forum. it looks at a subject that is heavliy written about scientifically and not too much in a, "what do i do now?" angle. this link it written in such a way that the reader has the opportunity to understand what they need to do to adjust their alk/cal problem, and not just how the marriage of the 2 coexist. i think that it is a valuable article and can be great help to those starting out, or even those of us who got lucky at the begining and need some help now. i might be a little bit of the latter.
  10. the tank had been set up for over a yr at my old house, about 5 months since i moved. i do have some stoneys in the tank, but they are all frags. most likely hardly any usage of the metals, at least not until they get to be growing. the whole system is less then 60g. sg: 1.025 i havent tested the alk in my ro/di water. i was ASSUMING that the water was "dead" and didnt have anything to it. i imagine i could do that, but my reading should be very close to zero, right? anyway, should i harded the water that is in my tank now w/ my buffer?
  11. judging by what others have said, i would consider putting the return pump to the main tank between the skimmer and the return from the frag/fuge loop. i would also sandwich the return pump w/ acrylic dividers that have baffles cut into the tops of them. that way the skimmer water and the water from the oher loop are never really in contact. or..... you could consider moving the pump were i had said, put the 1 baffle between the skimmer and the pump, and allow the return from the loop to dump into the section were the pump is. catch all that??? just some ideas to consider. have fun and let us know what you decide!
  12. that sounds like it works, but ask any1 on here, you can never have too many of those buckets!
  13. when youget your plumbing make sure you pick up at least 3-6 5 gallon buckets at the ole depot. thats my 2 pennies. anxious to see it when it gets going!
  14. i've been dosing 2 part buffer/calcium about twice a week for about 3 weeks now. i do use equal parts of both a and b. ive been monitoring my kh and my calcium levels. i use a fishwells kh tester and a salifert calcium tester. anyway, my kh has dropped to 4 dkh and my calcium is over 500ppm. for those or you who dont know, the test topps out at 500. i know that i want my dkh to be between 7-10 and my calcium appox. around 400ppm. this leads me to me to my question. do i just want to use the buffer half of the additive and not use the calcium? i also have powder buffer. maybe i should just use it to get my dkh satisfactory? additional info: i use ro/di water for my changes and i use oceanic salt for now. i know that i dont want to make any hasty judgements or any changes to my water chemistry just the same. thanks in advance for the advice.
  15. you should add a question mark at the end, "Got gas?" or "Has your system been gassed?" ????
  16. ok, thanks guys. i wasnt too worried about the bond, just the unknown that may happen to the tank. that stuff stinks more than mike rowe on dirty jobs!! since there is no, "ill effect" on the tank, i'll keep on pluggin away. maybe later on i'll post some pics of the project. it will most likely end up in diy forum. thanks again salty wamas members are my HERO!!!
  17. hey everybody! im doing some new plumbing on the tank tonight(sqwd setup). i wanted to know, how long after glueing the pipes how long should i wait to put them into the tank? an hour? overnight? 10 minutes? just not sure when it's safe to put the plumbing into the tank. i certainly dont want to learn something the hard way and have some unforseen casulties. thanks guys
  18. that stand and hood have a very sleek, modern feel. i think that the whole setup looks awsome! what size is it anyway? i think that it fits perfectly on that wall. way to go!
  19. hey troll. i could probably stop by between 10-11 tomorrow morning if you dont have any help yet. send me a pm w/ your # so we can get in touch and you could give me directions to your place.
  20. biodork--love some xenia to get it going in my tank. dcdeacon--im new at this too. some of the saltier wmas folks have been giving out cell #'s too. either way i think that eventually there is a network. you run into some1 that has already met/knows the people that you want to meet up w/ and you have met/know some1 that they want to meet, and so on, and so on, and so on.................until every1 gets a chance to meet the online buds!
  21. dcdeacon give you 2 loose shroom polyps for some of those smaller frag orage zoas???
  22. billy and i are newbies to WAMAS, but we are hard core rockers!!! no need for name tags, right??
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